On 2021/10/25 7:20, Rick wrote:

I have the Function keys on the left side of my keyboard because I have 
difficulty reaching above the numbers row. Unfortunately, my Escape key is way 
up there, so I swap it with F9 which is the at the bottom left of my keyboard 
using xmodmap:

    : xmodmap -pk | grep 'F9\|Esc'
          9      0xff1b (Escape) 0x0000 (NoSymbol)   0xff1b (Escape)
         75      0xffc6 (F9) 0xffc6 (F9) 0xffc6 (F9) 0xffc6 (F9) 0xffc6 (F9) 
0xffc6 (F9) 0x1008fe09 (XF86Switch_VT_9)

    : xmodmap -e "keycode 75 = Escape"
    : xmodmap -e "keycode 9 = F9"

    : xmodmap -pk | grep 'F9\|Esc'
          9      0xffc6 (F9) 0x0000 (NoSymbol)   0xffc6 (F9)
         75      0xff1b (Escape) 0x0000 (NoSymbol)   0xff1b (Escape)

This work in every native application I use except the Chrome browner where I 
still have to press the Escape key.

Does anybody know why this doesn't remap and how I can remap it for Chrome?



This does not answer your question, but is rather some more information:
AFAIK, VS Code (build on top of the chrome engine(?)) had a similar problem a 
while ago and they fixed it. If I remember correctly, the behavior comes from 
the engine (?) that Chrome uses.
I.e. I think the problem is not local to Chrome, but to their engine ( by 
"engine" I mean that thing all Electron apps share)


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