Michiel Sikma wrote:

I've been talking to janimo, the Xubuntu lead dev, in #ubuntu-devel, and he asked me to post this here: I also made a Xubuntu usplash screen in addition to the Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu ones, and he thought that it was worth being voted for on the Xubuntu wiki. There was already a proposition which was more or less final, but he feels that the art team should decide which one should be used. The Xubuntu-devel mailing list will also be notified of this.

The wikipage can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntuUsplash

Please vote for one of the splash screens so that it can finally be packaged and finalized. These are the last few bits and things that still need to be done. I hope you're all as excited about this launch as I am...

Greets, Michiel

I'd like to repost this for the sole reason that only two votes are on that wikipage thus far. You're all free to come and vote: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntuUsplash


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