On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 5:34 PM, shadowh511 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was thinking recently about an email that was sent out.  The sender
> (forgot who it was) listed some good theme mockups.  I know, for a fact,
> that we can have all of the themes be existing in intrepid.  As part of the
> add/remove programs, we add one more listing, "Theme Expansion Pack".  by
> having a theme expansion pack, we can add a lot of themes to each release.
> There will be no more "It can't fit on the CD" stuff, and have everybody's
> theme idea make it in.  We could have done a lot more with hardy than we
> did, and in intrepid, we need to bring ubuntu to its roots.  Lots of
> eye-pleasing themes.  Colorful backgrounds that help us spread our message
> of "Humanity To All".  We are the art team of the "Humanity To All" Linux
> Distribution.  We need to deliver our promise to the users.

Yes. Yes! With a bit of structure thrown in :)

> Union was an amazing idea from the beginning, so was TooHuman.  We can give
> our users as many themes as we can make.
> And no, I am not a motivational speaker.

Maybe you ought to reconsider that decision :)


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