On Tue, 2010-09-21 at 11:02 +0100, ubuntu-art-requ...@lists.ubuntu.com
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 15:35:39 -0400
> From: Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <a.star...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] What would you like to work on?
> To: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork <ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID:
>         <aanlktik=xv6qjbm=l=oe7px-34jq+vy23k6ozauck...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Vishnoo <v...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2010-09-20 at 11:27 -0400, Dea Million wrote:
> >> I've also been lurking on the list for a while, only to contribute
> when I didn't have to be too technical. ?Meaning, do JUST the art and
> not have to package.
> >
> > Hi Dea,
> > You do *not* have to worry about packaging.
> > Not many here know that either.
> >
> > Afaik, Andrew SB has been the only one helping with packaging side
> for
> > the community themes.
> >
> > We can try to get more packagers involved too. A few MOTU
> > folk[packagers] have shown interest in helping too.
> >
> > This team just needs to be interested in doing artwork..
> >
> > So, Just have fun doing art, let others worry about the
> packaging. :)
> What would I like to work on? That's simple, packaging.
> Back when I first joined the artwork list, it was because I saw a lot
> of great work going on that was blocked by the fact that there was no
> one on the team that actually had upload rights to the archive. I
> wanted to help remove that barrier by taking on the packaging work.
> Unfortunately, while helping remove that barrier, I've kind of fallen
> into the role of gatekeeper, at least in regards to the
> community-themes package.
> What would I not like to be doing? Also simple, being the sole
> decision maker for what goes into the community-themes package or
> other community artwork efforts.
> I'm not comfortable with my position as the de facto arbiter of what
> goes in or not. I'm not really an "artist" myself, and I'd rather not
> be making aesthetic decisions by myself. When I stepped up back in
> jaunty to take care of the packaging, I imagined my role as simply
> packaging the choices made by the community/team not making the
> decisions by myself.
> - Andrew Starr-Bochicchio


+1 - The desire of most GTK theme developers is to develop for a the
greater Gnome community but my preference for this team is to develop
specifically for Ubuntu.

My vision is new themes judged to be acceptable ( published criteria )
are placed in the community-themes package with some moving into

IMO if the theme isn't current with improvements to the current cycle it
should not be in default.

IMO if this is not agreed then there is no reason to continue with the
community themes effort. Developers can post their themes to Gnome-look
( and others ) and Canonical can pick from that pool or develop

IMO community themes has a lot of potential and I believe unique to the
Ubuntu community.

I can start putting some ideas together on the Wiki but I can't go it
alone and would want input including participation from the Canonical
design team.


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