Hi Mike,

Just resending this to the list because Yaili - who is on my team - didn't seem to get it!

Does anyone know if there is any reason why we can't use the emoticons we use on the design blog?

Also - adding Richard Lee who is our technical wiz!


On 03/11/10 17:25, Mike Basinger wrote:
To see the icons I need to replace in the vBulletin software goto 
http://www.mikesplanet/forumimages. The one I'm most concern with are:

- statusicons: shows if something is a category, forum, or link on the front 
page of the forums.
- button: the buttons on the bottom of posts. Currently on an #E9E9E9 
background. WIll probably change, but just to a shade of grey to max the 
branding guidelines.
-misc: miscellaneous icons
- pagenation: same as button background wise
-search results
-smilies: created some, have fun if you have ideas.
ranks: created some, have fun if you have ideas.

Some I'm working on replacing with famfamfam silk icon set.

Thanks everyone for any help you can offer,
Mike Basinger

Ivanka Majic'
Creative Strategy Lead

Canonical Design Team
m: 07968704460
e: ivanka.ma...@canonical.com

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