Dave Hall wrote:
On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 19:40 +1000, Cary Bielenberg wrote:
I guess the main problem from my perspective is documentation & "spit
& polish" of Xen & KVM makes it hard if you only administer 10 odd
machines, It's ok if you eat sleep & breath these apps but to the
sysadmins who have to multi skill it is almost prohibitive to setup.
What I'm trying to say is Vmware is bundled so that it is easy to
implement! I want to use open source solutions & am sceptical of
commercial companies who have "free" & commercial offerings. I want to
try the alternatives but to say the least KVM is a pig to implement
considering *buntu has made this the default. I googled for how to's
but there was a fair bit of ambiguity & confusion in the

What information are you missing about implementing KVM?  I will try to
blog a complete howto using libvirt (and if needed virt-manager).  I do
it all a bit manually, but it works and I am happy to share it with

If there is a genuine need for it, I will put something together in the
coming days.

<insert-poll-here /> +1 for me



I have struggled for 2 days to set KVM up! I have 5 Vmware & 2 new servers that could do with this knowledge.

Thanks Cary
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