### Usage friendly Ubuntu sources.list for BigPond ISP customers
### Last modified 26-Jan-2008

## BigPond unmetered repositories - /etc/apt/sources.list
## Uncomment backports and proposed if you want them
## Uncomment deb-src lines if you want sources
## BigPond also has all of the following for Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy)

deb http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted
deb http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy-security main
restricted universe
deb http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted
# deb http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy-backports main
restricted universe
# deb http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed main
restricted universe
# deb-src http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted
# deb-src http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy-security main
restricted universe
# deb-src http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main
restricted universe
# deb-src http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy-backports main
restricted universe
# deb-src http://mirror.gamearena.com.au/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed main
restricted universe

## Ubuntu's Australia repositories (what BigPond doesn't cover yet)
## Get rid of these and add "multiverse" at the end of the lines
## in the prev. section when BigPond adds them
## Uncomment deb-src lines if you want sources

deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy multiverse
deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates multiverse
deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security multiverse
# deb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy multiverse
# deb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates multiverse
# deb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security multiverse

## Ubuntu DVD from files.bigpond.com
## Replace with your CD/DVD if needed or get rid of this now that 
## you can get what you want unmetered

## deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423)]/
hardy main restricted


On Sun, 2009-03-29 at 12:45 +1000, Simon Ives wrote:
> Hi All.
> I've recently setup Telstra's Next G Wireless Broadband with my Asus Eee 
> PC 701SD and it's working a treat (This is my travel setup).  I'm having 
> trouble getting Telstra's Ubuntu Repos setup correctly in my 
> sources.list file though.  Would someone using Telstra's Ubuntu Repos be 
> able to post their /etc/apt/sources.list file so I can see where I'm 
> going wrong?
> Thanks.
> Simon.

ubuntu-au mailing list

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