I want to share with you all my secret addiction to this Firefox Add-on. 
Stumbleupon is awesome if you're bored and need to kill some time
looking at things on the web that interest you.

Basically you pick topics that only interest you and Stumbleupon brings
you pages on those topics voted by people all over the
world to be the most interesting.

Here's a brief intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D_a-h4XFMo

How does this apply to Ubuntu you say?  If you add from the hundreds of
topics the "Open Source" and "Linux/Unix" topic groups,
you can discover lots of new and different projects currently being used
or in development that may work with Ubuntu.

Easiest way to install it is to start Firefox, goto "Tools" -> "Add-ons"
and in the search bar at the top right type in "Stumbleupon", click
and restart Firefox.

Making a new account only needs an email address and a nickname and your

Have fun!


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