
Os 7 vídeos favoritos de Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
da Computer World e que não é juiz do concurso.

1 - Be Linux

2 - Linux Pub (with subtiles)

3 - Challenges at the Office

4 - And if Da Vinci ...

5 - I'm not Linux, Version 3

6 - I'm Linux

7 - Soy un PC y uso Linux


a BBC ad by Terry Jones

Red Hat's Truth Happens

"O difícil de confundir alhos com bugalhos é que ninguém sabe o
que são bugalhos." - Max Nunes

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
Cyber Cynic
March 15, 2009 - 6:08 P.M.

The seven best Linux Foundation contest videos

Linux doesn't have much in the way of advertising. While Apple's
wonderful "I'm a Mac" TV ad campaign is famous, and Microsoft's Bill
Gates/Jerry Seinfeld ads are infamous, Linux really doesn't have
anything. Now, the Linux Foundation is trying to change that with it's
"We're Linux" Video Contest.

The winning designer will get a free trip to Tokyo, Japan to participate
in the Linux Foundation Japan Linux Symposium in October 2009. The Linux
Foundation doesn't have the money for a major, or for that matter even a
minor, television advertising campaign. But, at the very least, the
winning ad will get some news and online exposure for both the winner
and Linux.

I'm not a judge on the committee that will decide the winner, but I do
know a little bit about both Linux and marketing. So, here are my seven
favorite picks in the contest. I tried, I really did, to cut the list to
five, but I couldn't do it. It was hard enough to get to seven.

Whether the committee will like these is a mystery to me. We'll all find
out together at the Linux Foundation's Collaboration Summit in San
Francisco on April 8, 2009.

Before launching into this, let me start by saying that these are all a
bit rough. If someone were to come along with a few million to run them
on the major television networks, they'd need to  re-shoot them. So,
when you look at these, don't think you're going to see something that
looks like the "I'm a Mac" campaign. You're not.

7) Soy un PC y uso Linux. In English, this is "I'm a PC, and I run
Linux." It was filmed at the Open Source World Conference 2008 Málaga,
Spain, and just shows a variety of people saying the line in all their
different languages. It's simple, but it works.

There were several ads that played with the theme of looking at all the
different kinds of people who use Linux. Another ad pointed out that
people of all ages can use Linux. This one, though, just caught my
fancy. It's just real people of all kinds and sorts from all manner of
places saying that Linux is for them. Thumbs up from me.

6) I'm Linux. The most polished of the "I'm Linux" ads, and the one
that's closest to being production ready, came from Page One Public
Relations. Page One, for those of you who don't know them, is perhaps
the most open-source savvy of all the PR firms. After all, one of its
chief partners, Lonn Johnston, is a former VP of North American
operations for Turbolinux.

Besides touching on the theme of We're All Linux Users, from the
personal side, the ad also riffs on the numerous services, like Google,
and products, like the TiVo, that do indeed make all of us Linux users.

5) I'm not Linux, Version 3. This is just a video of a guy talking about
Linux. Usually, this kind of thing is pretty dull, but with multiple
scene changes, this one works. You can tell he means what he's saying
and I like his tag-line: "I'm not Linux, Linux is me."

4) And if Da Vinci ... So if Leonardo da Vinci had had Linux, what would
he do? This is nicely done. Come to think of it, if da Vinci were alive
today, I think he would be using Linux. I also like this video's
tag-line: "What if YOU used it?"

3) Challenges at the Office. This is another ad that's close to being
able to be shown "as is" on network television. The premise, two office
mates playing rock, paper, scissors, Linux. (Watch it, you'll see how it
works) is fun and it's well executed. It's also a good ad for a
mainstream audience, since it doesn't assume you know anything about
Linux and, within a minute, makes two good points on why you might want
to consider it.

2) Linux Pub. This is, to my mind, the funniest of all the videos. A
dying PC is rushed to the emergency room, and - on no! - it's not going
to make it. But then, a Linux penguin charges in to save the day. Good
silly fun.

1) Be Linux. Two words: Flying penguins. It's high-concept. It's
stirring. It's funny. And, it makes its point with a great tag-line:
"Imagine a place where everyone can fly: Be Linux." IBM? Red Hat?
Novell? You've got the money. This ad, this ad works. If I had a
multi-million dollar ad budget, this is the one I'd be showing.

ADDITION: I'm vexed to report that the video from my #1 ad was lifted
from a BBC ad by Terry Jones. I still like the ad, but credit where
credit's due and fiormer Monty Pythoner Jones was the one who came up
with the videography.

Finally, I can't finish this tale without mentioning the best video I've
ever seen for Linux, or for any other technology for that matter. It's
much too long to be an ad spot, but Red Hat's Truth Happens is a must
watch for anyone who likes Linux, or, wants to see a perfect match
between video, words, and concept.

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