** Description changed:

  Binary package hint: apt
  Description:    Ubuntu 8.04.2
  Release:        8.04
  Package: apt 0.7.9ubuntu17.1
  Mirror: gb.archive.ubuntu.com
  gb.archive.ubuntu.com has address
  gb.archive.ubuntu.com has IPv6 address 2a01:450:10:1::10
  Have an entry in /etc/network/interfaces defined as follows:
  auto he6
  iface he6 inet6 v4tunnel
          address 2001:470:1f08:xxx::2
          netmask 64
          endpoint 216.66.xx.xx
          ttl 255
          #up ip link set mtu 1280 dev he6
          up ip route add default via 2001:470:1f08:xxx::1 dev he6
  When bringing up with 'ifup he6', or at boot time, the interfaces comes
  up successfully, and apt-get update will happy update from a mirror that
  has a dualstacked hostname (like gb.archive.ubuntu.com).  If for any
  reason the he6 interface is taken down, when it is brought up again,
  apt-get update will timeout trying to access dual stacked hosts, while
  ping/ping6 to the host will work, as well as wget with or without any -4
  or -6 switches.
+ Update: problem is resolved after rebooting the system, but this isn't
+ ideal; after reconfiguring eth0 a reboot isn't required to carry on
+ using apt on ipv4...

apt-get update stalls when accessing dualstacked ipv4 + ipv6 mirrors
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