
I'm really amazed you cannot reproduce it. It happens on 2 very different PCs 
of mine (the others are on Dapper):
1- an old one: Duron 1.2 Ghz / 512 M
2- on my last year laptop: Toshiba Pentium Centrino M40 1.7 Ghz / 1024 M

When I go to:  system/preference/"agencement menu"
I click on games for instance, then on Mines
1st click on up: fine
2nd click on up: nothing happens, but on down it moves down for once only

Then to move up or down, I need to click on Mines again and redo up or
down for one shot ONLY.

If this happens on 2 different PCs of mine, (with the latest Edgy update
and distribution upgrade!!) this should be the same w/ yours, the only
difference between us is that I turned everything into French, so

EDGY Menu management: hard to move items up and down

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