Alex: The interaction with gnome-session is that gnome-session sets the env. 
var. according to gconf, and this setting is then inherited by all other apps 
in the session, see pstree:
     │           └─gnome-session─┬─Xgl
     │                           ├─beagle-search───2*[{beagle-search}]
     │                           ├─evolution-alarm───2*[{evolution-alarm}]
     │                           ├─gnome-cups-icon
     │                           ├─gnome-panel
     │                           ├─nautilus
     │                           ├─nm-applet
     │                           ├─2*[ssh-agent]
     │                           ├─update-notifier
     │                           └─{gnome-session}

For example gnome-terminal sees the env. var. as overruling the gconf
values, and thus stops obeying changes to the gconf settings for the
duration of the session.

Gnome-session does _NOT_ set the env. var. if "use_http_proxy" is not
set. The problem is that gnome-session is only able to check _once_ at
startup, and this setting is then inherited and overruling.

http_proxy defined incorrectly

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