I see the same crash here (judging by function name, assembly
instruction, and offset from start of function, although the instruction
address is slightly different for me), also with seahorse
0.9.91-0ubuntu1.  In addition to a crash when changing the "Remember PGP
Passphrases" radio selection, seahorse_gpg_options_change_vals() also
causes a crash when I click the "Start seahorse-agent" button.

When the "Start seahorse-agent" button click causes a crash, the stack
trace is:

#0 0x0000000000426433 in seahorse_gpg_options_change_vals()
#1 0x0000000000418627 in seahorse_agent_postfork()
#2 0x00000000004188cc in main()

Judging from comments in the code, and the fact that there is already a
seahorse-agent process running under my uid, this is probably during the
startup failure handling.

[apport] seahorse crashed with SIGSEGV in seahorse_gpg_options_change_vals()

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