Latest update about the situation:
- I tried your suggestion and it didn't help. The image is still distorted and 
unreadable. The laptop was last time dist-upgraded on last Friday, so the 
Feisty is pretty much up to date and so this occurs even with the latest 
version of the open source driver.

Currently my situation is the following:
- For some reason the fgrlx driver hasn't worked since Dapper on my laptop. The 
xorg displays a list of supported models and my Mobility Radeon 9000 LF250 
appears to be missing from the list which is a bit weird since it would be 
unbelievable if they would just discontinue supporting chipsets that are in 
just three years old laptops. 
So the fglrx driver does not work. Then another issue is that the open source 
driver don't work either, so I can't output from my Linux laptop any picture 
for the Cinema display so far. So the display is now hooked to another laptop 
which has Windows running on it and on it.

I have another idea what could maybe cause it. Not sure though. I could
be also totally wrong. Maybe the driver does not support Dual-link DVI
and the monitor requires it.

I am still hoping that this would be fixed since the 24 inch display
would be good for coding etc. and it should really work on LInux and it
is a bit too good for just some corporate applications I rarely use
(since the Windows machine exists just for that and nothing else).

ATI Open source driver shows distorted unreadable image on Dell laptop + Apple 
Cinema Display 23 inch

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