In my case the restricted-manager found that I have legacy card
(GeForce2 GTS), it showed  "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (legacy
cards)", but nevertheless when I clicked "Enable" it installed the
nvidia-glx package instead of nvidia-glx-legacy. Then it completely
messed up the xorg.conf file setting some ridiculous driver:

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Generic Video Card"
        Driver          "apm"
        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"
        VideoRam        64000

apm is the first driver in the xorg driver list and it looks like it
just picked up the first one one the list. Of course the system refused
to launch X after these changes so I manually set xorg.conf to use "nv"
driver again. I think this is very important to resolve this bug soon.
Restricted-manager should better know which driver to install and handle
modifications of xorg.conf better.

Restricted drivers manager damages my xorg.conf [Nvidia Legacy Drivers]

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