I'm having the same problem in feisty.

What I did and the error message:

> cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2

Daten auf /dev/sda2 werden unwiderruflich überschrieben.

Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Enter LUKS passphrase: 
Verify passphrase: 
Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping.
Check kernel for support for the aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 cipher spec and verify 
that /dev/sda2 contains at least 133 sectors.
Failed to write to key storage.
Aufruf fehlgeschlagen.

All modules are loaded, like aes, dm_crypt and dm_mod.

The funny thing is that yesterday I had the same problem when trying to
mount a crypt-formatted USB disk. Yesterday it didn't work, today it
did! Now my USB disk is mounted, but I am not able to cryptsetup
luksFormat an internal HD partition....

syslog says:

Mar 31 16:01:02 hpsupercompi kernel: [ 8515.140000] device-mapper: table: 
254:1: crypt: Device lookup failed
Mar 31 16:01:02 hpsupercompi kernel: [ 8515.140000] device-mapper: ioctl: error 
adding target to table
Mar 31 16:01:02 hpsupercompi kernel: [ 8515.144000] device-mapper: ioctl: 
device doesn't appear to be in the dev hash table.

My version is the same as stated in the title, but without the "~edgy1"
at the end. (it's in feisty, universe/admin)

This seems to be the only show-stopper for using feisty as productive
version..... (which is not recommended, I know, but I love some of the
new features, that's why I'm trying...)

fails to setup dm-crypt key mapping.  (2:1.0.4+svn26-1ubuntu1~edgy1)

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