How far are we here? I'm using ubuntu maverick which is supposed to
support iphone. However, its not working for me. My Iphone makes the
same noice as when the usb-cable is plugged in in the moment amarok
starts, but I can't find it in amarok. amarok --debug gives me:

amarok:   [MediaDeviceCache] Odd, got a deviceRemoved at udi  
  but it did not seem to exist in the first place... 
amarok:   BEGIN: void MountPointManager::deviceRemoved(const QString&) 
amarok:   END__: void MountPointManager::deviceRemoved(const QString&) - Took 
amarok:   BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::slotDeviceRemoved(const QString&) 
amarok:   END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::slotDeviceRemoved(const QString&) - 
Took 5.9e-05s 
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotRemoveSolidDevice(const QString&) - 
Took 0.00046s 
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan(const QString&) 
amarok:   BEGIN: void ScanManager::checkTables(bool) 
amarok:   END__: void ScanManager::checkTables(bool) - Took 0.00014s 
amarok:   BEGIN: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() 
amarok:   END__: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() - Took 0.00088s 
amarok:   [ScanManager] GOING TO SCAN: 
amarok:   [ScanManager]      "/home/bve/Musik/_AMAROKMTIME_1273053984" 
amarok:   BEGIN: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() 
amarok:   END__: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() - Took 
amarok:   BEGIN: XmlParseJob::XmlParseJob(ScanManager*, 
amarok:   END__: XmlParseJob::XmlParseJob(ScanManager*, 
Collections::SqlCollection*) - Took 0.0033s 
amarok:   BEGIN: virtual void XmlParseJob::run() 
amarok:   END__: virtual void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan(const QString&) 
- Took 0.016s 
amarok:   [ScanManager] Success. Committing result to database. 
amarok:   [ScanResultProcessor] Database temporary table setup did not complete 
due to no directories needing to be processed. 
amarok: END__: virtual void XmlParseJob::run() - Took 0.036s 
amarok: BEGIN: virtual XmlParseJob::~XmlParseJob() 
amarok:   BEGIN: void StatusBar::hideProgress() 
amarok:   END__: void StatusBar::hideProgress() - Took 0.00063s 
amarok: END__: virtual XmlParseJob::~XmlParseJob() - Took 0.0014s 
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::slotFinished() 
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::slotFinished() - Took 0.00023s 
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:   [MediaDeviceCache] Found new Solid device with udi =  
amarok:   [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "iPhone"  and was made by  
"Apple, Inc." 
amarok:   [MediaDeviceCache] udi  
  does not describe a portable media player or storage volume 
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) - Took 
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:   [MediaDeviceCache] Found new Solid device with udi =  
amarok:   [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "iPhone"  and was made by  
amarok:   [MediaDeviceCache] device is a PMP 
amarok:   BEGIN: void MountPointManager::deviceAdded(const QString&) 
amarok:     [MountPointManager] looking for udi  
amarok:     [MountPointManager] Did not find device from Solid for udi  
amarok:   END__: void MountPointManager::deviceAdded(const QString&) - Took 
amarok:   BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::deviceAdded(const QString&) 
amarok:     BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::checkDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:       BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const 
amarok:          Supported Protocols:  ("mtp") 
amarok:       END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const 
QString&) - Took 0.00011s 
amarok:       [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device identified with udi:  
amarok:       BEGIN: virtual void ConnectionAssistant::tellIdentified(const 
amarok:         BEGIN: 
amarok:           [MtpCollection] Getting mtp info 
amarok:           [MtpCollection] Getting udi 
amarok:           [MtpCollection] constructing handler 
amarok:           BEGIN: Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::MediaDeviceHandler(QObject*) 
amarok:           END__: Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::MediaDeviceHandler(QObject*) 
- Took 7.5e-05s 
amarok:           BEGIN: 
amarok:           END__: 
Meta::MtpHandler::MtpHandler(Collections::MtpCollection*) - Took 6e-05s 
amarok:         END__: 
Collections::MtpCollection::MtpCollection(MediaDeviceInfo*) - Took 0.00054s 
amarok:         [MtpHandler] Initializing MTP stuff 
amarok:         [MtpHandler] Getting list of raw devices 
Device 0 (VID=05ac and PID=1290) is a Apple iPhone.
amarok:         [MtpHandler] Error is:  0 
amarok:         [MtpHandler] Got mtp list, connecting to device using thread 
amarok:       END__: virtual void ConnectionAssistant::tellIdentified(const 
QString&) - Took 0.27s 
amarok:       [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device already identified with udi:  
amarok:       [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device already identified with udi:  
amarok:       BEGIN: bool Meta::MtpHandler::iterateRawDevices(int, 
amarok:         [MtpHandler] Opening raw device number:  1 
amarok:         [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device already identified with udi:  
amarok:       END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::checkDevice(const QString&) - 
Took 0.27s 
amarok:     END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::deviceAdded(const QString&) - Took 
amarok:   END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) - 
Took 0.29s 
amarok:   BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:     [MediaDeviceCache] Found new Solid device with udi =  
amarok:     [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "iPhone"  and was made by  
amarok:     [MediaDeviceCache] device is a PMP 
amarok:     BEGIN: void MountPointManager::deviceAdded(const QString&) 
amarok:       [MountPointManager] looking for udi  
amarok:       [MountPointManager] Did not find device from Solid for udi  
amarok:     END__: void MountPointManager::deviceAdded(const QString&) - Took 
amarok:     BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::deviceAdded(const QString&) 
amarok:       BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::checkDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:         BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const 
amarok:            Supported Protocols:  ("mtp") 
amarok:         END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const 
QString&) - Took 0.00011s 
amarok:         [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device identified with udi:  
amarok:         BEGIN: virtual void ConnectionAssistant::tellIdentified(const 
amarok:           BEGIN: 
amarok:             [MtpCollection] Getting mtp info 
amarok:             [MtpCollection] Getting udi 
amarok:             [MtpCollection] constructing handler 
amarok:             BEGIN: 
amarok:             END__: 
Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::MediaDeviceHandler(QObject*) - Took 7.3e-05s 
amarok:             BEGIN: 
amarok:             END__: 
Meta::MtpHandler::MtpHandler(Collections::MtpCollection*) - Took 6e-05s 
amarok:           END__: 
Collections::MtpCollection::MtpCollection(MediaDeviceInfo*) - Took 0.00054s 
amarok:           [MtpHandler] Initializing MTP stuff 
amarok:           [MtpHandler] Getting list of raw devices 
Device 0 (VID=05ac and PID=1290) is a Apple iPhone.
amarok:           [MtpHandler] Error is:  0 
amarok:           [MtpHandler] Got mtp list, connecting to device using thread 
amarok:           BEGIN: bool Meta::MtpHandler::iterateRawDevices(int, 
amarok:             [MtpHandler] Opening raw device number:  1 
ignoring usb_claim_interface = -16ignoring usb_claim_interface = 
-22PTP_ERROR_IO: Trying again after re-initializing USB interface
inep: usb_get_endpoint_status(): Device or resource busy
outep: usb_get_endpoint_status(): Device or resource busy
usb_clear_halt() on IN endpoint: Device or resource busy
usb_clear_halt() on OUT endpoint: Device or resource busy
usb_clear_halt() on INTERRUPT endpoint: Device or resource busy
amarok:           END__: virtual void ConnectionAssistant::tellIdentified(const 
QString&) - Took 0.0033s 
amarok:           [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device already identified with udi:  
amarok:           [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device already identified with udi:  
amarok:           [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device already identified with udi:  
amarok:         END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::checkDevice(const QString&) - 
Took 0.0038s 
amarok:       END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::deviceAdded(const QString&) - 
Took 0.0039s 
amarok:     END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) - 
Took 0.01s 
amarok:     BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] Found new Solid device with udi =  
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "iPhone"  and was made by  
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] device is a PMP 
amarok:       BEGIN: void MountPointManager::deviceAdded(const QString&) 
amarok:         [MountPointManager] looking for udi  
amarok:         [MountPointManager] Did not find device from Solid for udi  
amarok:       END__: void MountPointManager::deviceAdded(const QString&) - Took 
amarok:       BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::deviceAdded(const QString&) 
amarok:         BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::checkDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:           BEGIN: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const 
amarok:              Supported Protocols:  ("mtp") 
amarok:           END__: virtual bool MtpConnectionAssistant::identify(const 
QString&) - Took 0.0001s 
amarok:           [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device identified with udi:  
amarok:           BEGIN: virtual void ConnectionAssistant::tellIdentified(const 
amarok:             BEGIN: 
amarok:               [MtpCollection] Getting mtp info 
amarok:               [MtpCollection] Getting udi 
amarok:               [MtpCollection] constructing handler 
amarok:               BEGIN: 
amarok:               END__: 
Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::MediaDeviceHandler(QObject*) - Took 7.3e-05s 
amarok:               BEGIN: 
amarok:               END__: 
Meta::MtpHandler::MtpHandler(Collections::MtpCollection*) - Took 6.1e-05s 
amarok:             END__: 
Collections::MtpCollection::MtpCollection(MediaDeviceInfo*) - Took 0.00053s 
amarok:             [MtpHandler] Initializing MTP stuff 
amarok:             [MtpHandler] Getting list of raw devices 
PTP_ERROR_IO: Trying again after re-initializing USB interface
inep: usb_get_endpoint_status(): Device or resource busy
outep: usb_get_endpoint_status(): Device or resource busy
usb_clear_halt() on IN endpoint: Device or resource busy
usb_clear_halt() on OUT endpoint: Device or resource busy
usb_clear_halt() on INTERRUPT endpoint: Device or resource busy
Device 0 (VID=05ac and PID=1290) is a Apple iPhone.
amarok:             [MtpHandler] Error is:  0 
amarok:             [MtpHandler] Got mtp list, connecting to device using 
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
  Try to reset the device.
amarok:           END__: virtual void ConnectionAssistant::tellIdentified(const 
QString&) - Took 0.71s 
amarok:           [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device already identified with udi:  
amarok:           BEGIN: bool Meta::MtpHandler::iterateRawDevices(int, 
amarok:             [MtpHandler] Opening raw device number:  1 
amarok:             [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device already identified with udi:  
amarok:             [MediaDeviceMonitor] Device already identified with udi:  
amarok:           END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::checkDevice(const QString&) - 
Took 0.71s 
amarok:         END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::deviceAdded(const QString&) - 
Took 0.71s 
amarok:       END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) 
- Took 0.72s 
amarok:       BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) 
ignoring usb_claim_interface = -16ignoring usb_claim_interface = 
-22PTP_ERROR_IO: Trying again after re-initializing USB interface
inep: usb_get_endpoint_status(): Device or resource busy
outep: usb_get_endpoint_status(): Device or resource busy
usb_clear_halt() on IN endpoint: Device or resource busy
usb_clear_halt() on OUT endpoint: Device or resource busy
usb_clear_halt() on INTERRUPT endpoint: Device or resource busy
amarok:             [MtpHandler] Unable to open raw device:  1 
amarok:       END__: bool Meta::MtpHandler::iterateRawDevices(int, 
LIBMTP_raw_device_t*) - Took 0.72s 
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] Found new Solid device with udi =  
void Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevicePrivate::checkCache(const QString&)  error: 
 "org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchDevice" ,  "No device with id 

amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made by  "" 
virtual bool Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice::queryDeviceInterface(const 
Solid::DeviceInterface::Type&) const  error:  

virtual bool Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice::queryDeviceInterface(const
Solid::DeviceInterface::Type&) const  error:

virtual bool Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice::queryDeviceInterface(const
Solid::DeviceInterface::Type&) const  error:

amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] udi  
"/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_ffffffff_ffffffff_noserial"  does not 
describe a portable media player or storage volume 
amarok:     END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) - 
Took 0.0083s 
amarok:     BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::slotRemoveSolidDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] udi is:  
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] Odd, got a deviceRemoved at udi  
"/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_ffffffff_ffffffff_noserial"  but it 
did not seem to exist in the first place... 
amarok:       BEGIN: void MountPointManager::deviceRemoved(const QString&) 
amarok:       END__: void MountPointManager::deviceRemoved(const QString&) - 
Took 0.0001s 
amarok:       BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::slotDeviceRemoved(const QString&) 
amarok:       END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::slotDeviceRemoved(const QString&) 
- Took 8.1e-05s 
amarok:     END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotRemoveSolidDevice(const QString&) 
- Took 0.00056s 
amarok:     BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] Found new Solid device with udi =  
void Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevicePrivate::checkCache(const QString&)  error: 
 "org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchDevice" ,  "No device with id 

amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  ""  and was made by  "" 
virtual bool Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice::queryDeviceInterface(const 
Solid::DeviceInterface::Type&) const  error:  

virtual bool Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice::queryDeviceInterface(const
Solid::DeviceInterface::Type&) const  error:

virtual bool Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice::queryDeviceInterface(const
Solid::DeviceInterface::Type&) const  error:

amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] udi  
"/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_1c_b3_14_db_f1"  does not describe a 
portable media player or storage volume 
amarok:     END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) - 
Took 0.0056s 
amarok:     BEGIN: void 
amarok:       [MtpHandler] Running slot device match failed 
Object::disconnect: No such slot Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchSucceeded()
amarok:       BEGIN: void 
amarok:         [MediaDeviceCollection] connection failed, not scanning 
amarok:         BEGIN: void 
amarok:           BEGIN: void 
amarok:           END__: void 
Collections::MediaDeviceCollection::deleteCollection() - Took 5.9e-05s 
amarok:         END__: void 
QString&) - Took 0.00016s 
amarok:       END__: void 
Collections::MediaDeviceCollection::slotAttemptConnectionDone(bool) - Took 
amarok:     END__: void 
Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchFailed(ThreadWeaver::Job*) - Took 0.00048s 
amarok:     BEGIN: void 
amarok:       BEGIN: void 
amarok:         [MediaDeviceCollection] connection failed, not scanning 
amarok:         BEGIN: void 
amarok:         END__: void 
QString&) - Took 5.6e-05s 
amarok:       END__: void 
Collections::MediaDeviceCollection::slotAttemptConnectionDone(bool) - Took 
amarok:     END__: void 
Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchSucceeded(ThreadWeaver::Job*) - Took 0.00038s 
amarok:     BEGIN: void Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::slotDeletingHandler() 
amarok:     END__: void Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::slotDeletingHandler() - Took 
amarok:     BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::slotRemoveSolidDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] udi is:  
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCache] Odd, got a deviceRemoved at udi  
"/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_1c_b3_14_db_f1"  but it did not seem to 
exist in the first place... 
amarok:       BEGIN: void MountPointManager::deviceRemoved(const QString&) 
amarok:       END__: void MountPointManager::deviceRemoved(const QString&) - 
Took 6.2e-05s 
amarok:       BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::slotDeviceRemoved(const QString&) 
amarok:       END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::slotDeviceRemoved(const QString&) 
- Took 5.5e-05s 
amarok:     END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotRemoveSolidDevice(const QString&) 
- Took 0.00064s 
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
  Try to reset the device.
amarok:     [MtpHandler] Unable to open raw device:  1 
amarok:   END__: bool Meta::MtpHandler::iterateRawDevices(int, 
LIBMTP_raw_device_t*) - Took 1.1s 
amarok:   BEGIN: void 
amarok:     [MtpHandler] Running slot device match failed 
Object::disconnect: No such slot Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchSucceeded()
amarok:     BEGIN: void 
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCollection] connection failed, not scanning 
amarok:       BEGIN: void 
amarok:         BEGIN: void 
amarok:         END__: void 
Collections::MediaDeviceCollection::deleteCollection() - Took 8.2e-05s 
amarok:       END__: void 
QString&) - Took 0.00025s 
amarok:     END__: void 
Collections::MediaDeviceCollection::slotAttemptConnectionDone(bool) - Took 
amarok:   END__: void 
Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchFailed(ThreadWeaver::Job*) - Took 0.00073s 
amarok:   BEGIN: void 
amarok:     BEGIN: void 
amarok:       [MediaDeviceCollection] connection failed, not scanning 
amarok:       BEGIN: void 
amarok:       END__: void 
QString&) - Took 8.1e-05s 
amarok:     END__: void 
Collections::MediaDeviceCollection::slotAttemptConnectionDone(bool) - Took 
amarok:   END__: void 
Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchSucceeded(ThreadWeaver::Job*) - Took 0.00041s 
amarok:   BEGIN: void Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::slotDeletingHandler() 
amarok:   END__: void Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::slotDeletingHandler() - Took 
amarok:   BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) 
amarok:     [MediaDeviceCache] Found new Solid device with udi =  
amarok:     [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is =  "Networking Interface"  and 
was made by  "" 
amarok:     [MediaDeviceCache] udi  
"/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_1c_b3_14_db_f1"  does not describe a 
portable media player or storage volume 
amarok:   END__: void MediaDeviceCache::slotAddSolidDevice(const QString&) - 
Took 0.015s 
LIBMTP PANIC: Unable to read device information on device 10 on bus 2, trying 
to continueamarok:   [MtpHandler] Unable to open raw device:  1 
amarok: END__: bool Meta::MtpHandler::iterateRawDevices(int, 
LIBMTP_raw_device_t*) - DELAY Took (quite long) 18s 
amarok: BEGIN: void Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchFailed(ThreadWeaver::Job*) 
amarok:   [MtpHandler] Running slot device match failed 
Object::disconnect: No such slot Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchSucceeded()
amarok:   BEGIN: void 
amarok:     [MediaDeviceCollection] connection failed, not scanning 
amarok:     BEGIN: void 
amarok:       BEGIN: void 
amarok:       END__: void 
Collections::MediaDeviceCollection::deleteCollection() - Took 8.8e-05s 
amarok:     END__: void 
QString&) - Took 0.00024s 
amarok:   END__: void 
Collections::MediaDeviceCollection::slotAttemptConnectionDone(bool) - Took 
amarok: END__: void Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchFailed(ThreadWeaver::Job*) 
- Took 0.00073s 
amarok: BEGIN: void Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::slotDeletingHandler() 
amarok: END__: void Meta::MediaDeviceHandler::slotDeletingHandler() - Took 
amarok: BEGIN: void 
amarok:   BEGIN: void 
amarok:     [MediaDeviceCollection] connection failed, not scanning 
amarok:     BEGIN: void 
amarok:     END__: void 
QString&) - Took 8.1e-05s 
amarok:   END__: void 
Collections::MediaDeviceCollection::slotAttemptConnectionDone(bool) - Took 
amarok: END__: void 
Meta::MtpHandler::slotDeviceMatchSucceeded(ThreadWeaver::Job*) - Took 0.00043s 
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan(const QString&) 
amarok:   BEGIN: void ScanManager::checkTables(bool) 
amarok:   END__: void ScanManager::checkTables(bool) - Took 0.00012s 
amarok:   BEGIN: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() 
amarok:   END__: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() - Took 0.00072s 
amarok:   [ScanManager] GOING TO SCAN: 
amarok:   [ScanManager]      "/home/bve/Musik/_AMAROKMTIME_1273053984" 
amarok:   BEGIN: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() 
amarok:   END__: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() - Took 
amarok:   BEGIN: XmlParseJob::XmlParseJob(ScanManager*, 
amarok:   END__: XmlParseJob::XmlParseJob(ScanManager*, 
Collections::SqlCollection*) - Took 0.0032s 
amarok:   BEGIN: virtual void XmlParseJob::run() 
amarok:   END__: virtual void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan(const QString&) 
- Took 0.016s 
amarok:   [ScanManager] Success. Committing result to database. 
amarok:   [ScanResultProcessor] Database temporary table setup did not complete 
due to no directories needing to be processed. 
amarok: END__: virtual void XmlParseJob::run() - Took 0.035s 
amarok: BEGIN: virtual XmlParseJob::~XmlParseJob() 
amarok:   BEGIN: void StatusBar::hideProgress() 
amarok:   END__: void StatusBar::hideProgress() - Took 0.00062s 
amarok: END__: virtual XmlParseJob::~XmlParseJob() - Took 0.0013s 
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::slotFinished() 
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::slotFinished() - Took 0.0002s 
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan(const QString&) 
amarok:   BEGIN: void ScanManager::checkTables(bool) 
amarok:   END__: void ScanManager::checkTables(bool) - Took 0.00012s 
amarok:   BEGIN: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() 
amarok:   END__: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() - Took 0.00076s 
amarok:   [ScanManager] GOING TO SCAN: 
amarok:   [ScanManager]      "/home/bve/Musik/_AMAROKMTIME_1273053984" 
amarok:   BEGIN: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() 
amarok:   END__: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() - Took 
amarok:   BEGIN: XmlParseJob::XmlParseJob(ScanManager*, 
amarok:   END__: XmlParseJob::XmlParseJob(ScanManager*, 
Collections::SqlCollection*) - Took 0.0035s 
amarok:   BEGIN: virtual void XmlParseJob::run() 
amarok:   END__: virtual void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan(const QString&) 
- Took 0.015s 
amarok:   [ScanManager] Success. Committing result to database. 
amarok:   [ScanResultProcessor] Database temporary table setup did not complete 
due to no directories needing to be processed. 
amarok: END__: virtual void XmlParseJob::run() - Took 0.032s 
amarok: BEGIN: virtual XmlParseJob::~XmlParseJob() 
amarok:   BEGIN: void StatusBar::hideProgress() 
amarok:   END__: void StatusBar::hideProgress() - Took 0.00063s 
amarok: END__: virtual XmlParseJob::~XmlParseJob() - Took 0.0013s 
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::slotFinished() 
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::slotFinished() - Took 0.00021s

Support for iPhone-like devices in Amarok 2
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