Ben said:  "we cannot buy every piece of hardware that doesn't work or
that we want to support. It's not a matter of money, it's more a matter
of space."

Your viewpoint is in effect "we have enough Macs already."  I might
sympathize if these bugs were not so ancient, glaring, and cemented into
a final release even after multiple user reports and months of time.
There was a reason to say that you need actual hardware.

Ben, there have been, and still are, plenty of G5 testers.  The test
pool is not the problem.

We *already know* where the problems live - bluetooth & sound.  The
point you're missing is basic.  The bugs themselves are what demand
developer hardware, not picky users.

Testing in the face of such serious bugs is not something users should
do.  Some bugs need hardware to solve right.  Example - I could not type
into yaboot.conf.  Glitches froze everything in the middle of editing.
It was a race against time to change a single line.  That kind of thing
makes "user testing" impossible.  Yes I used "single" mode and every
other trick.  I tried every user-forum workaround, removing bluetooth
packages, all of it.  Nothing helped.  If I were an Ubuntu developer
with debug output screens and source familiarity, I would know what to
do.  That is why these bugs call for hardware.

Bugs that sit unsolved for endless months, AND are crashing-kernel
severity, AND prevent user boot, AND have multiple corroboration
reports, AND have known code locations (sound/bluetooth), merit
hardware.  Code this broken needs serious developer attention on the
actual box.  With hardware you'll have them fixed in short order.
Without it Ubuntu will continue pretending to support hardware that it

That you have other PPC machines is nice but irrelevant.  Either Ubuntu
supports the iMac G5 or not.  If not, take it off the list of supported

Your office should not be full of hardware that works, but hardware that
won't.  My advice?  Put one of those working G3/G4s in the closet;
replace it with a G5.  Desk space is then unchanged.  No closet?  Rent a
public storage unit.

At least the G3/4 crowd can boot up and do proper user testing.  I

iMac G5 will freeze after  booting up

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