I am also having this issue.  It may be that seahorse-tool (the command
run by nautilus) does not notice the seahorse-daemon is running.  Here
is the command line output:

seahorse-tool -s FILE
** (seahorse-tool:6101): WARNING **: DNS-SD initialization failed: Daemon not 

** (seahorse-tool:6101): CRITICAL **: cryptui_keyset_key_get_string:
assertion `G_VALUE_TYPE (value) == G_TYPE_STRING' failed

However, the daemon is indeed running:

XXXXXX  6051  0.0  0.8  18716  6460 ?        Ss   13:36   0:00 seahorse-

Also, signing and encrypting when the deamon is running works well in 
evolution.  I'm not sure what if different between how evolution calls seahorse 
and how nautilus does it.

Signing with nautilus fails, Encryption with nautilus crashes seahorse-tool

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