Public bug reported:

On upstream, Widelands build 19 has been released. This is the

* Animations, Icons and Overlays

  - New animations for Barbarians buildings: Wood Hardener, Farm, Fisher's Hut,
    Gamekeeper's Hut, Lumberjack's Hut, Quarry, Ranger's Hut, Taver, Inn,
    Big Inn, Warehouse, Scout.
  - New animations: Imperial Vintner, Blackroot Field.
  - New menu icons: All workers, Blackroot, Pitta Bread, Snack, Ration, Meal,
    Spidercloth, Options Menu, Warehouse stock policy, Messages window
  - New road textures to improve visibility on all terrains
  - Better coloring for workarea pics.
  - Fixed hotspot for Babarian Brewer walk animation.
  - Fixed bug #1453528: Buildings missing menu icons
  - Fixed bug #1408712: Waves are rolling in different speed /rolling angle is
  - Fixed bug #1407799: Fatal exception: Image not found:
  - Fixed bug #1324642: Playercolor mask has wrong size
  - Fixed bug #829984: Tweak the duck animation
  - Fixed bug #672248: Duplicated animations

* Sounds

  - Added sounds for Fox, Elk, Wolf, Stag, Boar, Smelting Works, Weapon
    Smithies, Ax workshop, Lime Kilns, Taverns, Breweries, Winery,
    Wood Hardener.
  - Replaced sound for Sheep and Mills.
  - Fixed bug #1592692: No production sounds on some maps
  - Fixed bug #1536053: Widelands without sound on win
  - Fixed bug #1500531: Random corrupted audio (loud garbled noise) when
                        ox breeder is working for Barbarian tribe.
  - Fixed bug #1304638: Wrong sound played

* Tutorials and Campaigns:

  - Split tutorial into "Basic Control" and "Warefare" and added encancements.
  - New "Seafaring" and "Economy" tutorials"
  - Redesigned Barbarian campaign to remove topcs that are covered by the
  - Fixed bug #1424950: Strange character relationships in the empire campaigns
  - Fixed bug #1349378: Get_soldiers doesn't return a table in Island Hopping
  - Fixed bug #1311244: Atlantean Mission Trigger fail
  - Fixed bug #1298411: No necessity to conquer all military buildings in the
                        third Barbarian Campaign
  - Fixed bug #1286576: Tutorial fails if player is in road building mode when
                        military building finishes
  - Fixed bug #1088222: Barbarians Campaign: small suggestions for improvement
  - Fixed bug #674839: Some issues of barbarian tutorial 3

* Maps

  - New maps: Archipelago Sea, Dolomites, Wide World
  - Removed maps: Dry Riverbed, Long long way, War of the Valleys
  - Overhauled maps: Comet Islands, Full Moon, Glacier Lake, Kings and Queens,
    Last Bastion, River Explorers, The Nile, Twin Lagoons, Volcanic Winter
  - Added "hint" to the json file created by wl_map_info for use on the website.

* Saveloading

  - Older savegames can no longer be loaded.
  - Older maps can be loaded, but new maps can't be loaded with previous
    versions of Widelands.
  - User maps are now saved in a 'My Maps' subdirectory to prevent overwriting
    of official maps
  - No longer write replay files for scenarios
  - Implemented rolling autosave
  - Disallow changing player slots in single player scenarios.
  - Added checks for illegal file names during map saving.
  - Fixed a crash where a leaked remnant of the game session would still be
    subscribed to the 'changed resolution' event if a savegame failed to load.
  - Fixed crash with identical autosave filenames when LAN game is run with
    multiple instances of Widelands on a single computer. Also, more informative
    error messages in
  - Fixed bug #1548932: Editor fails on save with zip filesystem
  - Fixed bug #1526514: player 2 in "" section [player_2] not found
  - Fixed bug #1509172: Editor gives error on saving maps in Windows.
  - Fixed bug #1428396: Savefile broken when enemy deafed
  - Fixed bug #1413734: Savegame does not load
  - Fixed bug #1388028: Unable to load saved game
  - Fixed bug #1375915: Scripting files get deleted when a map is resaved
  - Fixed bug #1332832: Warning when starting a new game Unused key "name" in
  - Fixed bug #1311716: Segfault when loading a game with nightly build
  - Fixed bug #1303669: Reduce size of campaign savegames
  - Fixed bug #1302577: Wrong minimap in load dialog when the save game has been
  - Fixed bug #1254116: Crash on saving game: unprotected error in call to Lua
                        API (table index is NaN)
  - Fixed bug #1228811: Observers savegame contains no minimap.
  - Fixed bug #1227984: Autosave should not trigger while game is paused
  - Fixed bug #992829: Console output: WARNING: There are 73 unloaded objects.
  - Fixed bug #979995: Game crashes with large map when saving

* AI:

  - AI can now build and use ships
  - Improved placing, upgrading and dismantling buildings
  - Improved placing and destroying roads.
  - AI no longer runs out of wood
  - Enhanced military and soldier training strategy
  - Reworked the way how AI stores some data in Player object
  - Fixed bug #1388255: Widelands crashes when loading a multiplayer game
  - Fixed bug #1344288: Segmentation fault - AI building enhancement
  - Fixed bug #1342554: [] Help: I do not know what to do with
                        a outpost
  - Fixed bug #1330070: AI crashes
  - Fixed bug #1311790: Assertion error Widelands::StreamWrite::Coords32 shortly
                        after starting a new game

* Gameplay

  - Collectors win condition now reports team scores as well as player scores.
  - New win condition: Artifacts
  - Added New starting condition "Trading Outpost" that will periodically give
    the player some wares if needed (cheat mode)
  - Other tribes’ buildings that have been conquered can now be dismantled
  - Balancing: Added gold to building cost for Atlantean training sites.
    Made Barbarian attack stronger.
  - When an expedition ship places a port, a bit of land is cleared of trees to
    make room for a few buildings.
  - Ports can be affected by terrain changes up to 3 tiles away from their 
    position, so we recalculate as much when changing a terrain tile.
  - New tree/terrain affinity values.
  - Forcing a constructionsite properly conquers the area that the finished
    building will occupy.
  - Reworked find_portdock.
  - "Out of resources" messages are now be triggered by productivity
  - Engine change: all tribes can now use any building/ware/worker etc.
    Use Lua instead of finf file for initialization.
  - Ontology cleanup: Internal unit names now match their display names.
    Renamed worker program "geologist-find" to "geologist_find" and "playFX" to
    "play_sound" and removed unused option "setdescription".
  - Added Description objects for all tribe and world entities to Lua interface.
  - Removed LuaBaseImmovable::get_size. The corresponding functions now return
    strings instead of ints.
  - Added LUA interface to ship - RO property shipname
  - Updated Eris to version 683ac97476a8634d9e5c17f0dec8dff8b7f3e595 (Lua 5.3).
  - Fixed bug #1554552: Wounded attacking soldiers failing to retreat
  - Fixed bug #1551578: Fortified Village crashes when building can't be placed.
  - Fixed bug #1542703: Crash during battle in Only
                        allow building a port if all fields can be conquered.
                        Also added a test for this issue.
  - Fixed bug #1525395: Atlantean mines failing to extract all resources
  - Fixed bug #1509220: Atlanteans campaign keeps counting 0 ships
  - Fixed bug #1504948: Performance issue when "no use for ships on this map"
  - Fixed bug #1502458: Carrier hiding in Warehouse/HQ is hardcoded
  - Fixed bug #1490116: Fully promoted soldiers remaining in training sites
  - Fixed bug #1457425: Fight never ends (also not 2h later)
  - Fixed bug #1451078: Labyrinth malfunctions full report
  - Fixed bug #1451069: Collectors win condition doesn't count wares in ports
  - Fixed bug #1442945: Atlanteans ship construction much faster
  - Fixed bug #1442869: Stopped production sites should produce something from
                        their consumed wares before they stop
  - Fixed bug #1434291: Collectors game over message
  - Fixed bug #1423468: After reload, all percentages are blue until they are
                        updated again
  - Fixed bug #1420521: Reset target quantity is overwritten easily
  - Fixed bug #1407418: Multiple hunters hunt for same animal
  - Fixed bug #1402392: Widelands crashed with SIGSEGV in
  - Fixed bug #1402231: Wl crashes when saving after port is reduced to
  - Fixed bug #1395238: Soldiers getting stuck
  - Fixed bug #1389211: Port without a portdock (game crashing)
  - Fixed bug #1387801: Crash when expedition port is destroyed while wares are
  - Fixed bug #1344179: Granite mines should check if their output is needed
  - Fixed bug #1341662: Remove the animals out of the Barbarian directory
  - Fixed bug #1332842: Remove support for different flag and frontier 'styles'.
  - Fixed bug #1332455: Productivity of the Atlantean farm does not drop to 0
                        when it does not work
  - Fixed bug #1332452: Crop does not grow
  - Fixed bug #1302635: Random tribe selection always gives the same result
  - Fixed bug #1302593: Result screen not shown in loaded game when a player was
                        already defeated in saved game
  - Fixed bug #1290123: Delete barbarian stronghold
  - Fixed bug #1251914: Soldier stuck in battle animation loop
  - Fixed bug #980287: Productivity drops on game load
  - Fixed bug #978138: Ship is under fisher's hut
  - Fixed bug #902807: Stopped production sites do not have their reserves
  - Fixed bug #861761: Improve production prioritisation
  - Fixed bug #849896: Heal the highest level, healthiest soldier first
  - Fixed bug #653308: The attack dialog is not updating the number of possible
  - Fixed bug #580923: Production of carrier does not respect building costs

* User Interface

  - Display Widelands version for each client in Internet lobby.
  - Overhaul of diverse menu screens and windows: map and game loading,
    in-game Building Statistics, main menu Options and "About Widelands"
  - Messages can be filtered
  - Added Win condition descriptions as an Objective
  - Remember map location markers in singleplayer savegames.
  - Ships now have individual names and show their states in the statistics
  - Added census/statistics strings to ships and ship construction.
  - Hide wares which do not need prerequisites and therefore are produced
    'endlessly' from configure economy
  - Watchwindow fixes: Fixed some oddities such as view duplication:
    - Possibly fixed bug #1553699 (probable cause: std::erase used on invalid
      position, which results in undefined behavior).
    - Highlight the current view button.
  - Editor CategorizedItemSelectionMenu no longer grows excessively wide when
    multiple items are selected.
  - Shifted chat overlay up so it won't overlap with the menu buttons.
  - Most UI elements now use the new font renderer
  - Various scrollbar-related fixes.
  - Fixed handling of Alt key in Linux
  - Fixed bug #1566441: String "Saving Game" appears too late
  - Fixed bug #1559729: Port space not shown.
  - Fixed bug #1542214: Inconsistent ordering of OK/Cancel buttons.
  - Fixed bug #1526916: When selecting a map, the parent directory now has a
                        lower sort order than all other directories.
  - Fixed bug #1480937: Escape key doesn't work in all dialogues
  - Fixed bug #1451147: Game crashes when headquarters is taken over
  - Fixed bug #1426654: Only list compatible .wmf files in the load game dialog
  - Fixed bug #1422072: Private message improvements
  - Fixed bug #1419537: Allow Observers to show building spaces
  - Fixed bug #1413226: Spaces in attack box disappear
  - Fixed bug #1412242: Multiplayer save game selection does not show the
  - Fixed bug #1371062: Add confirmation dialog to exit game
  - Fixed bug #1344350: Constructionsites/dismantlesites only show a dot instead
                        of building image
  - Fixed bug #1342563: When choosing random tribe and castle village, the tribe
                        can be guessed
  - Fixed bug #1339861: Remove the "Military settings" option
  - Fixed bug #1322741: Text issue: fps statistics overlaps with xz coordinates
  - Fixed bug #1306728: Crash when info window opened if statistics window has
                        been opened
  - Fixed bug #1300359: Installation dialog shows old screenshot
  - Fixed bug #1298301: Do not show scenario messages when player is in road
                        building mode
  - Fixed bug #1296655: News window crashes when building has not been seen in
                        the game
  - Fixed bug #1283693: Crash after very long chat message
  - Fixed bug #1252625: Plot areas now update their data less often.
  - Fixed bug #1247384: Newly conquered building should prefer heroes
  - Fixed bug #1232392: Allow tabbing in forms
  - Fixed bug #1191556: The "Cancel Expedition" button in Port windows will now
                        toggle and remove the tab.
  - Fixed bug #1167242: Ctrl+destroying a flag with a building does not destroy
                        the whole road
  - Fixed bug #998544: Replay name should contain Widelands version
  - Fixed bug #988831: Remove message expiry feature.
  - Fixed bug #965633: Set default AI to random tribe
  - Fixed bug #964541: Closing building window closes (child) help window
  - Fixed bug #744749: Training sites should either show statistics as a
                        military or as a productionsite
  - Fixed bug #736404: Cannot switch from Widelands in full screen on Linux
  - Fixed bug #682351: Wishlist: Fullscreen toogle also in Menu
  - Fixed bug #571796: Stop the rounding to full 10ths for productivity
  - Fixed bug #566729: Add gametime display to replays
  - Fixed bug #536230: Building icons in menu are shown without correct

* Internationalization

  - Big string overhaul to improve translations
  - UI redesigns to make translated strings fit
  - Automatic font selection and support for Arabic script
  - Fixed escaping of special characters in messages
  - Richtext and rt_render can now handle  
  - ngettext and pgettext are now available in Lua
  - Fixed bug #1341990: Map names cause confusion in internet play
  - Fixed bug #1289698: Sorting maps by name sort by original instead of
                        translated name
  - Fixed bug #1289586: Let tree descriptions use the same size scheme as
  - Fixed bug #1290066: Sort languages by their native names
  - Fixed bug #978175: Localization not yet loaded in command line
  - Fixed bug #973714: Fonts are different between daily PPA and bzr repository

* Editor

  - Merged the four worlds into one, so any entity can be placed on any map now.
  - New forested mountain terrains
  - Editor now starts with the Info tool instead of the Set Height tool
  - The user can choose to display map or filenames when loading or saving a map
  - Overhaul of all main menu subenus
  - Stopped the infotool from painting and gave it size 1.
  - Fixed various cashes in editor when loading a map or using the Set Origin
  - Fixed bug #1535065: Editor crashes with random map regarding player
  - Fixed bug #1532417: Complete indicators for resource water
  - Fixed bug #1504366: Editor crashes unexpectedly
  - Fixed bug #1426276: Editor Player Menu doesn't update tool overlay when
                        player is removed
  - Fixed bug #1402786: "Set origin" should be in the tools menu
  - Fixed bug #1392406: Confirmation dialog when leaving the editor although
                        Ctrl has been pressed
  - Fixed bug #1392215: Secondary and Third Alternative Tool no longer working
                        in the Editor
  - Fixed bug #1378801: Random map: Wasteland % change not reflected in
                        Mountains %
  - Fixed bug #1341112: Editor line abruption in Noise height tool
  - Fixed bug #1289575: Dialog for selecting immovable bobs in editor lacks
  - Fixed bug #1281823: Setting resources via LUA API broken in Editor
  - Fixed bug #1174075: Clarify meaning of icons in editor terrain preview
  - Fixed bug #1171231: Size of minimap in the editor not changed when new map
                        is loaded
  - Fixed bug #977980: Fish and mountain ressources cannot be removed when they
                        are on grass
  - Fixed bug #821553: Increase maximum number of terrain types
  - Fixed bug #768826: Show altitude level in the editor

* Help and Documentation:

  - Generic in-game and in-editor help system driven by Lua scripts. All values
    except for performance are now read from the current Lua configuration
  - Added some performance values for the buildings help text
  - Improved documentation: Started adding Tribe and World information to our
    online Widelands Scripting Reference.
  - Created a new executable 'wl_map_object_info' that will generate JSON files
    for updating the encyclopedia on the website.

* Graphics Engine:

  - Fixed line drawing by replacing the broken use of GL_LINES with a
    tessellation algorithm for drawing lines.
  - Decoupled UI update frequency from game update frequency (which is now 15
    times per second).
  - Removed graphic::update() and Panel::update() and always redraw at maxfps.
  - Changed default maxfps to 30 (instead of 25).
  - Filter all textures linearly instead of near. This looks nicer and texture
    bleeding has been taken care of.
  - Added a new undocumented command line argument --debug_gl_trace which will
    log every OpenGL call that is made, together with arguments, return values
    and glError status. This requires that Widelands is build using
    -DOPTION_USE_GLBINDING:BOOL=ON. It is a NoOp for GLEW. This will help
    debugging non-reproducible OpenGL errors that are reported. Tested with
    glbinding 1.1.0.
  - More logging when OpenGL is initialized.
  - Correctly crop destination and source rectangle while blitting.
  - Fixed memory leaks in UI::Table::draw and around code found using the Leaks
    tool in Apple's Instruments.
  - Fixed bug #1562071: Visual glitch in chat overlay as well as chat overlay
  - Fixed bug #1535569: Messages window slows down game speed
  - Fixed bug #1480928: Lumberjack animation glitches
  - Fixed bug #1447333: Crashes on main menu under Windows 7. Mouse movement
                        seems to trigger this.
  - Fixed bug #1424408: Graphics become all white in tutorial
  - Fixed bug #1409267: Graphic errors with text on Windows
  - Fixed bug #1408707: Water should be dithered as land terrain
  - Fixed bug #1397302: Fullscreen Toggle Text Overlay
  - Fixed bug #1397301: Screenshots black
  - Fixed bug #1393547: Flashing black background when autosaving
  - Fixed bug #1389346: Disabling opengl results in black screen
  - Fixed bug #1378797: When playing fullscreen mode Unity locks the screen
  - Fixed bug #1370144: Playercolor mask is sometimes black
  - Fixed bug #1302565: Screenshot shows wrong image when a game is chosen with
                        the mouse pointer
  - Fixed bug #1257476: Crash when attempting to load a game after toggeling
                        opengl rendering
  - Fixed bug #1257320: Strange vertical lines during gameplay
  - Fixed bug #1243700: Statistic window displays graph incorrectly when in
  - Fixed bug #1215412: Graphic artifacts
  - Fixed bug #1203006: Increasing resolution in fullscreen results in the right
                        and bottom sides not being updated properly
  - Fixed bug #1202133: Dialogs (and list of maps) have white background and
  - Fixed bug #1041436: Game jerks and stops after playing awhile. Bzr6421
  - Fixed bug #731987: Mouse does not work in full screen on virtual machines
  - Fixed bug #647456: Options: colors of the main WL menu changes when changing
                        the language
  - Fixed bug #536559: Fullscreen must not change physical screen resolution
  - Fixed bug #536500: Can not toggle fullscreen with Alt+Enter or resize with
  - Fixed bug #536317: Graphics libraries still in memory when no longer needed

* Other Issues:

  - Added build instructions for OpenBSD
  - Ships get debug window. Also its content are extended.
  - Removed --logfile command line flag - use redirects instead.
    Added an SDL2 aware logger that replicates writing a stdout.txt on windows.
  - Removed --remove-replays and --remove-syncstreams. We now always delete
    them if they were autogenerated and older than 4 weeks.
  - Added --write-syncstreams option which defaults to true for now.
    This will give us more debug information for future desyncs.
  - Remove --dedicated commandline option and associated code.
  - Added Widelands version to log output
  - Moved all data-related directories into a new "data" directory.
  - Fixed bug #1581828: Desync while testing 
  - Fixed bug #1562332: Crash with playing chat sound in Internet lobby
  - Fixed bug #1522290: Gameplay suddenly gets very slow
  - Fixed bug #1503949: Excessive CPU usage and loading time seemingly related
                        to length of the game
  - Fixed bug #1438611: Widelands is leaking memory
  - Fixed bug #1413326: Current trunk on Linux cannot join a game that is hosted
                        on Windows
  - Fixed bug #1404478: Windows installer puts string "Widelands" into the
                        version field
  - Fixed bug #1278050: Login problems with metaserver
  - Fixed bug #1274279: Metaserver entry in config gets deleted
  - Fixed bug #1169445: Commandline options 1/0 <=> true/false on win32
  - Fixed bug #1096453: Massive memory leaks

** Affects: widelands (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

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  [new upstream] Widelands build 19

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