Public bug reported:


When having a 1GB USB keyfob / flash drive plugged in while booting a
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS default install, the FAT32 partition gets mounted in
case-sensitive mode.

At the very end of the dmesg it says this after bootup:

[17179647.740000] FAT: utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT
filesystems, filesystem will be case sensitive!

The partition otherwise does work and can be used, but it's possible to then 
create e.g. a file "New file" and a file "new file" in the same directory on 
that drive.
I believe FAT32 partitions, which are --for better or for worse-- a Microsoft 
standard should not get mounted in case-sensitive mode. 
If a user were to copy eponymous files that differ only in capitalization onto 
that drive, they might be in for a surprise when subsequently trying to access 
their files from, say Windows XP. Ubuntu should try to play nice with the other 
kids in the yard -- yes, even try to play nice with the schoolyard bully. ;-P

I have a forum thread open on this at:

Many thanks and kind regards,
Disclaimer: Please excuse my n00bness. I have OpenBSD/Mac OS/OS X/DOS/Windows 
experience, but I've only started using Ubuntu/Linux in September 2006 and I 
can't really code.

** Affects: Ubuntu
     Importance: Untriaged
         Status: Unconfirmed

FAT32 partition on flash drive/USB keyfob gets automounted in case-sensitive 

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