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Allen Graham wrote:
> It looks like "Medical-Wei" has hit on one of the biggest problems, namely
> the "variety" of Linux distros. There is too much unnessary friction among
> the various groups, some for the valid reason that they are commercial, such
> as "RED HAT". But Debian-Ubuntu-Mepis for example should work together, they
> don't. This problem is as big as: "which is the best distro?"

I have to disagree on this one... distro variety is nice, until you get
to a point where you can roll out your own distro (then you won't need
to look around to choose a distro).

the variety ensures that everyone gets a distro to their own specific
needs & desires. These change according to a range of variables such as
the aim one has (business / server / home use / gaming / showoff /
other) in mind, the machine's age (very old / old / new-ish), the
favorite X environment (gnome / kde / icewm / xfce / openbox etc), and
even the favorite email client (thunderbird / mutt / evolution / etc).

It's rather difficult to attract this kind of diversity with just one
(or a couple of major) distros. and people don't like much to tweak this
and that to get to what they need (especially if they can tweak this and
that once, and roll the result out as a new distro).

for the "which is the best distro" question, there never is an answer.
(except) The best distro is the one that fits your needs and desires the
best. Until you get to the point where you are ready to make a choice,
you have to either try out a few or go to a site like
http://www.zegeniestudios.net/ldc/index.php?firsttime=true (google for
"distro chooser") and trust in their answer after you take the survey.
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