On Nov 4, 2007, at 4:46 PM, Sebastian Heinlein wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 04.11.2007, 02:47 +0000 schrieb Tristan Wibberley:

I plan to add a "Store configuration permanently" checkbutton to the
main window, see http://glatzor.de/filesink/displayconfig/restore.png

"Store configuration" is an irrelevant implementation detail. What is important is what's happening to the computer's display.

Also, when adding a checkbox, always ask yourself: How obvious is the unchecked state? Here, what does it mean for "Store configuration permanently" to be unchecked? Would it store the configuration until the next full moon? :-)

If a checkbox's unchecked state can't be obvious from the label, use radio buttons instead. For example:

    Use these settings: (*) Indefinitely  ( ) Until I log out

That said, after reading this thread I don't understand the use case for applying settings only for the current session anyway. I suggest addressing that question first, as it will help you compose the rest of the design.

I never liked that sort of thing - it's not a part of the settings, but rather what to do with them upon clicking an action at the bottom. What do you think of changing "OK" to something like "Use for this session" and, if the user is a member of admin, adding another button along side it "Set as default"?
We would only need a better wording. The term "session" should not be
used since it is too technical. Using default seems to be to generic.

I am not sure about the future of the test button. Currently we launch a second x server with the new config file. But many drivers and cards do not support this correctly and things tend to break. If we can apply
changes instantly a confirmation dialog with "keep" and "revert" button
would appear after hitting one of the apply buttons. So the button order for the main window would be the following one:

[Apply Permanently] [Cancel] [Apply Temporarily]

The same problem applies here as with the checkbox. What does "Temporarily" mean?

But we would still need at least tooltips:

"Restore the chosen configuration after starting the computer" and
"Revert configuration after shutting down the computer"?

A control that already has a text label, such as a command button or checkbox, should not need a tooltip to be understandable to most of the target audience.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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