
Le samedi 12 janvier 2008, à 17:07 +0100, Matteo Nastasi aka mop a écrit :
> Hi, I have developed a program that allow to slide windows partially
> out of the desktop into the desktop if the mouse pointer is over or
> not them.
> A graphical explaination is here:
>   http://www.alternativeoutput.it/img/slidewin.jpg
> To work correctly my application
> (http://mop.mine.nu/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/slidewin/)
> needs a window manager that allow pager to move windows outside
> the desktop.
> This patch allow pager program like wmctrl (and only these) to move
> windows where it communicates (my patch works accordingly to specs:
> http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-1.3.html#id2506756)
> To apply the patch you need compile the package before (sorry).

Could you elaborate why this is needed (ie, why doesn't it work without
this patch)?


> +  /* MOP patch */
> +  if (source == 0x02)
> +    flags |= META_IS_USER_ACTION;

I'm not sure that the fact that the source is a pager always implies
that it's a user action (in terms of META_IS_USER_ACTION). Is this
a correct assumption?


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