On lun., 2010-07-12 at 15:03 +0100, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Didier Roche wrote on 30/06/10 21:25:
> >
> > On mer., 2010-06-30 at 18:06 +0100, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> >...
> >> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#oneconf>
> >...
> > I just see some missing remarks and want to clarify them with you:
> > - we just list there "items that aren't on this computer", but we can
> > know as well additional software that has been removed on the remote
> > compute and that are still there. Is it out of scope now?
> I hadn't realized that was part of the use cases -- I was thinking more
> about installation than removal.

It was part of "sync all" basically.

> > If we want to still get it from a design point of view, we can add a
> > "2 items that are installed here, but not on David's Netbook" with a
> > Remove all button.
> Does that include only packages that were part of the default
> installation on the other computer? Or does it include all packages that
> were removed from the other computer, regardless of whether they were
> part of the default installation?

It would be packages that were remove compared to the default
installation, being part or not to the default set installed.

> The main challenge would be making any extra branch look like it
> belonged, in a screen supposedly devoted to things that *are* installed.

I think this can be addressed easily, let me try something and we can
discuss about it afterwards about dropping it or not.

> > - I'm not clear about what "other items" should contain to be honest :)
> Items that are installed both on that computer and this one. I.e.
> everything that's common to both.

Hum, I'm more skeptical about that one. What the point of showing things
that are common to both as you can do nothing particular with them? This
sounds redundant with the "installed softwares" entry, isn't it?

I'm a bit concerned about spamming dbus for non relevant info.

> > - for item not available, we can say from which repository they were
> > found. Will it be insane to tell something like "you can add <…>
> > software source to be able to sync that software"
> Sorry, I haven't had time to figure out how to present that
> understandably. (David Siegel has just pointed out to me that even in
> the single-computer case, we don't present "Use This Source" well for
> items in the partner repository.)

Yeah, we should have a common way for this. For now, I'll see if I have
time to figure something out after first draft.

> > - What "Install All" is doing? Is it only installing applications or
> > applications and technical items? there was some use case when I want
> > to be able to sync on my netbook all my applications but not technical
> > item.
> I was thinking that it would depend on whether you'd clicked the "1417
> other technical items" link. But if so, maybe that link should be a
> toggle (click it again to hide the technical items), rather than
> something that disappears when you click it. What do you think?

A toggle sounds fine, we should maybe look with Barry to have the same
thing to all panels as it makes sense to installed software and such as

> > We can maybe change the label to "install all including technical
> > items" (or a better label, of course), when the user click on 1417
> > other technical items to show that the install all changed?
> >...
> Maybe the button label could just change to include the number: "Install
> All 3" <-> "Install All 19".

Sounds perfectly clear and no ambiguity with changing the label.

Thanks a lot for your answers.

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