On 04/07/2011 05:59 PM, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Hello all,
> kind of obvious topic, but next cycle we'll need to move to GTK3 and
> GNOME3. Aside from the obvious "update the package versions", I see
> the following particular challenges:
>  * Review our patches, and be rather aggressive about removing those
>    which are intrusive and which we have carried for ages without
>    upstream acceptance. Of course there are also still patches which
>    we haven't even proposed upstream, these should be discussed in
>    bugzilla.gnome.org.
>  * Port pygtk2 apps to PyGI with GTK3. The biggest ones are
>    ubiquity and software-center, but there is also quite a long tail
>    of smaller upstream software.
>  * Discuss GTK3 theming with UX/design. Our current murrine based
>    Humanity theme doesn't work with GTK3.
> I expect that this will bind a lot of developer capacity next cycle,
> but at the same time it's very important that we do this to not lose
> track with GNOME.
> Martin
One issue we need to tackle is the use of clutter.  Applications are
moving towards using clutter (e.g. cheese) and my experience with
clutter has been:
- Requires good 3D support
- Has never seemed to work well for me...

We need to work out early if we can have a hard dependency on clutter or
not, and what happens if you can't run clutter applications.

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