On 2011-06-06 10:06, Kevin Huang wrote:
> On 2011-06-06 10:01, Robert Ancell wrote:
>> On 2011-06-04 11:48, Kevin Huang wrote:
>>> In GDM design, the display language can be set on two levels: system
>>> wide, which determines what shown on the login screen, and user
>>> specific.  It's only the user language that can be set from the login
>>> screen.  Since there is no language option in LightDM screen, I assume
>>> no user language that can be set in Oneric.  Is it correct?

No. The ability to let each user set their language preferences is
primarily controlled via Language Support. It does not depend on whether
you can set the user language from the login screen.

>> This feature is just not implemented yet.  It will be in Oneiric.

Good to know, Robert. Are you able to say something about e.g. the
keyboard layout and universal access?

> Great.  Is Gunnar Hjalmarsso involved in this feature implementation,

I'm not yet, but I plan to make myself involved to assist with the i18n
matters. :)  I'll try to ensure that the current functionality with
respect to languages and locales is preserved in the Oneiric release.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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