On 31/01/12 22:46, Petko wrote:

-- change the package description

sure, but that won't stop anyone
-- put an "apply" button instead of applying changes on site
this is something I think would be good, particularly for enabling or disabling plugins, now that unity is there any time a plugin is disabled or enabled the whole stack of plugins get asked to re-read their settings, at which point unity goes and cries in a corner for 15 seconds or so, throws out some errors about failing to do garbage collection of nux stuff (they are from .cpp files so nothing to do with python ccsm) and then sometimes comes back. - of course someone could actually fix this in unity, but I am not about to go hacking in that code, I just do the easy stuff.

-- put a warning "System may brake,are you sure" on clicking apply

thus far - things to do instead of removing the package that will put the fire out. Now some additional stuff:

-- make CCSM launch MyUnity (hell , keep the checkbox - with the listed changes we have a Safty-ed (I just made that up) power user tool , so if someone wants to uncheck it he'll know better next time)
I don't like to be nasty about code other people have written, but srsly! It is in gambas which is kind of a visual basic thing, it looks a bit like it has multiple pages, but it doesn't, it is one continuous layout pane 3787 px wide with individual controls scattered over it, with manual placement - no packing. there are buttons to go left and right which scroll the huge layout pane left and right. There is no way to get keyboard focus on the left/right controls and you can tab off the currently viewable area into stuff you can't see. Interestingly with orca a user would just think it is one huge page and you can successfully operate controls off-screen, but that isn't really how this stuff is supposed to work (and yes, I do know that compiz is more for visually impaired users than blind users, but I like stuff to work with orca). Adding or removing a setting in unity and wanting to expose that new setting in myunity (like turn on and off the HUD, or the overlay thing that grabs long hold of the super key (I use super+mousewheel for compiz enhanced zoom bindings)) would mean hacking the myunity thing in the gambas IDE and placing individual controls, and wiring them up to gconf calls and then testing. Incidentally there is a *heap* of hard coded "IF Main.distribuzione = "Ubuntu 11.04" THEN " switches to control whether it shells out to gconftool or gsettings. The ccsm tool builds a much more standard gtk interface based on what is in the XML files the plugins provide to describe their available settings. Add a new setting to unity, it turns up in the tool, no hacking the gambas, it is just the architecturally right way to do it. What would be fine, is to have a mode for CCSM that *just* exposes the unity plugin. So you can't turn it off, but you can tweak all the things that the unity developers have declared in the XML file as tweakables. This would be almost trivial to do, in fact a nice way to do it might be to add some command line flags to ccsm to allow you to launch it in a way that doesn't allow plugin enabling and disabling, or just expose a fixed list of plugins. Or just expose enabled plugins and don't allow turning them off. It is only really the enabling or disabling process that unity doesn't seem to like, the rest of the time it is pretty solid for me.

-- (Nico's suggestion) put a 10 sec period to confirm (and revert changes when there's been no confirmation) . I'm aware that that doesn't fix some more major breaks but it fixes a lot of breaks that are not that bad , but hard for a newb to handle .
that would be good, bit of a challenge to write, but would be good.

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