Unity's unique features are either optional or automatic. If you develop your app using Gtk or Qt, you will automatically get the global menu in Unity. Having an XDG .desktop file will automatically allow your app to be placed on the Unity launcher and, you can optionally extend that with Unity Quicklists. The Indicator API exists in both Unity and KDE.

If you have more questions about integrating your application with Unity, please take a look at http://unity.ubuntu.com/about/

Michael Hall

On 02/12/2012 11:39 PM, Life Monad wrote:
Why,I did not choose Unity?
I am a developer too.
Desktop software design principle (Maybe you know)  , for end users,
they hope every software has similar appearance, .aka. UX..... Similar
menu layout,keyshortcuts,status bar,notification
area.....especially,settings panel.

Why not improve GNOME if you think it sucks?
(OK..,why not improve Unity if I think it sucks...because I won't waste
time on it,I think Unity have no significant for end users.They want bug
fixes and  new useful features & softwares adding eagerly , not another
desktop env.)

BTW:You can  image, while user works,he open a new window,...desktop

In spare time ,I want to  develop some useful tiny programs which /other
platform provided but ubuntu lack of/.(Wine? never  be a solution.You
must know it.Forget Wine.Develop your own linux desktop software.)

But when I see Unity,I am confused. Did I need test my program on Unity?
These desktop env have different API &UX. Programs can't do a good
seamless  integration with desktop env(also file managers such
as Nautilus . K onqueror ).

Hn...Ha... Why not  GNOME X.X? Great Unification.

I am tired.

2012/2/13 Bilal Akhtar <bilalakh...@ubuntu.com

    All decisions so far regarding Ubuntu's design and Unity have been
    made by large groups of people, and every decision has been influenced
    a lot by user testing and feedback. And yes, we've been listening to
    our users. Every. Feedback. Counts. As Michael said, we ourselves are
    users too.

    We'd also be considering your opinions if they were constructive. Just
    saying "OMG UNITY SUX IM MOVING TO <Insert a DE or distro here>.
    PLEASE FIX UNITY" isn't going to help either side. We tend to ignore
    such threads because of their vagueness.

    Bilal Akhtar.

     > On 02/12/2012 10:16 PM, scott wrote:
     >> On 02/12/2012 09:47 PM, Michael Hall wrote:
     >>> Please keep in mind that everybody who makes Ubuntu is also an
     >>> user, and a large portion of Ubuntu's users are also involved in
     >>> making it.
     >>> Michael Hall
     >>> mhall...@ubuntu.com <mailto:mhall...@ubuntu.com>
     >> You can't tell by all the backlash against Unity, at the least.
     >> Scott

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