Caroline Ford wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 17:14 -0500, Phillip Susi wrote:
>> Caroline Ford wrote:
>>> Some ISPs block bittorrent of course. Vodafone UK is one of them. I had
>>> great problems downloading for windows as they *only* use
>>> bittorrent as a distribution mechanism. 
>> You should browbeat such an ISP, not cave in to their draconian will. 
>> Vigorously complain and if they do not stop, take your business 
>> elsewhere.  Giving in and using http instead just encourages them to 
>> continue to think that they can screw you over any way they want.
> We have 12 month contracts... They don't tell you they block it until
> you have it installed. It's not giving in, they really don't care. 

I'd imagine the UK doesn't have something like the SEC or BBB to tell 
them they're not allowed to false advertise or omit important details 
about provided service.  Guess it's like Japan, where you can get F-Cups 
(cookies that advertise that 100% of the
contained fat goes straight to your boobs).

> You'd choose MS Office over a program you can only get via bittorrent?
> Those were almost my choices
> Caroline

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