Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> We have not made any decisions about whether this program would be based
> on PackageKit, Add/Remove Applications, Synaptic, or something else, or
> written from scratch. We should first design what it will do and how it
> will behave, then work out how to implement it.

As you now doubt have heard numerous times already, if we could ever get to a
consistent interface between RPM / DEB based distros that would be a gigantic
win for Linux overall. For some extent I therefore think Canonical should have 
least a small packagekit bias, should all the available options be _roughly_ 

I also have some feedback on the AppCenter spec (maybe there is something here 
want to note even though I hope you will measure all such things in a proper UX 

The "new updates available" screen doesn't tell the user which ones are 
updates. While the file size of the update is nice to know, it's probably more 
to have some icon that marks it as "really important". Windows update seems to 
have both
but they emphasize the "update importance" and just write out the filesize as a 

Popularity stats should not be skewed by "default installs" so I don't think it 
should be based
straight on popcon (maybe it should be weighted against some list of default 
installed apps
or something). Right now it looks like gnome games is more popular than for 
freeciv/openarena/chromium which I have a hard time believing. Maybe more 
people play
gnome games (because they are installed by default) but if I go into AppCenter 
for a cool new game that's very "popular", I'm probably looking for something 

I think the terms "Ubuntu Software" and "Partner Software" is a bit unclear. It 
like the partner software is not Ubuntu software? I guess you are referring to 
Maintained apps but I don't have a better name for it.

Why is "Fonts" it's own top-level item next to "Ubuntu Software"?

I see that the "Description" field for each update is working properly in your 
I really hope that you will list that as a explicitly feature and make sure it 
"just works".
Today update-manager has a feature where it shows a description for each update 
that functionality very often just doesn't work. One could argue that 
update-manager is
working properly and that it's the underlying infrastructure that doesn't work 
as it
should (for instance "aptitude changelog BLAH" very often doesn't work either) 
but the
end user doesn't care which app is broken and therefore I hope you will strech 
of this new AppCenter UI and fix the _experience_ that is actually delivered to 
the end user.


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