On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 8:53 AM, Rodney Dawes <rodney.da...@canonical.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-12-06 at 08:32 +1000, Kieran Grant wrote:
>> Whether it is better to allow users to add icons to their Desktop (where
>> they'll probably not use it) or not, is something that Canonical and the
>> upstream GNOME guys can ponder.
> Something that has always worked in GNOME (though I don't know if it
> works in gnome-shell, as I haven't used it), and which does work in
> Unity, is to drag a launcher from the applications menu, and drop it
> on the background (or even in a folder in Nautilus). From Unity, since
> there isn't really a menu though, you can open the dash, go to the
> Applications view, find the app you want to add a launcher for, and
> drag it to where you want. Then you have a launcher for the application,
> with the correct icon, and if for some reason you really need to edit
> it, then you can easily do so.
> However, the launcher panel on the left side of the screen in Unity at
> least, is designed to be the place to place your favorites for
> launching, rather than on the workspace background. In the launcher
> panel, they will be always accessible, even when working in a full-
> screened application, while placing them in the background makes
> them inaccessible if any windows are covering them.

Thanks again Rodney,
I forgot that you could drag an Icon from the applications menu to the
Desktop. (Probably because sometimes I let go too quick and it doesn't
add to the Desktop... :/ I need to slow down sometimes)

True, the unity menu is always accessible. (Except some oddities on my
low end netbook when some GUI bug causes it to be behind all windows,
I think this is fixed now though)

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