On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 12:12:40 +0900, Alberto Lepe wrote:
>1) COLLECT INFO BEFORE INSTALL: It could be great if all questions are
>asked as soon as possible so you can leave the installation unattended
>until it finished.

Why, because you don't have that much time, to install a minimalist
server install? If you make a minimal install first, it doesn't take
much time. Then boot, run apt-get and most packages you will install by
your list will install automatically, just a few need interaction, but
there likely is an apt-get option to automatically continue the install
and to set up manually later. Perhaps --assume-no does the job.

>2) BROKEN INSTALL: Some days ago, I was installing a server and close
>to the end the ethernet cable got loose (I didn't noticed that).

I installed from the server image without internet access, IOW you
don't need internet access.

>Having a "recovery menu" will help to decide what kind of tools to
>download or load from CD. For example if you just want to reset your
>password, you really don't need to load a bunch of packages. If you
>want to repair disks, it would be nice to have "fdisk, cfdisk, sfdisk,
>btrf tools, parted, mdadm, lvm, etc" available. If you want to fix
>boot problems, then be sure all required grub/lilo packages are
>available, and so on.

You will repair a broken minimalist install, instead of reinstalling it?
Apart from this, at least the server image for Wily seems to provide at
least some, if not all the mentioned packages.

I suspect you didn't use the server image, but some minimal netinstall
image. So you likely could solve those issues by using another image.


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