On Thu, 31 Mar 2016 12:10:08 +0200, Xen wrote:
>Tom H schreef op 31-03-16 10:38:
>> The only way to push for a change is to file an RFE bug with
>> upstream.  
>Lots of people give up before they even try.

Please provide evidences for this claim. Did you even try?

Assumed you want to know if more users need such a default, you should
ask on a user list.

Without success I tried hard to explain upstream of different projects
that gvfs damages external green HDDs, because it for no valid reason
wakes up sleeping drives, so that they spin down and up again and again
and I ask them to fix the issue, use a replacement for gvfs or at least
by default should make it an optional dependency.

When I noticed the same issue for lxpanel, regarding a libfm issue,
gvfs isn't involved, a developer fixed it immediately.

It depends to the project and involved developers.

There's quasi no chance to get rid of idiotic bugs and missing features
for GNOME, KDE, Xfce and all that bloated software, but there is so
much lightweight software, that is feature richer than the bloatware,
were developers are happy to care about such issues, if you report them.

Does any of the bloatware desktop environments terminal emulations
auto-wrap lines, if you resize the window? In more than ten years
that I'm using Linux, they were unable to support this. Roxterm OTOH
provides everything a terminal emulation should provide.

IOW if you dislike Unity, Gnome and Co, as I do, simply use powerful
tools that are not related to bloatware desktop environments.

Even if you wish to use Unity or Gnome, you don't need to use Nautilus.
Even if Nautilus provides what you need, but only for GNOMEish apps,
while you wish to use Nautlius with other apps, you could add an
extension script using a terminal command for the x clip board.

There never will be defaults, that fit to everybody's needs.


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