Good to see pakistan-ubuntu team is doing very well.
Can we do something so our Government can shift to Linux. I was reading an
article in Newspaper, where it says, Microsoft is starting a new service. It
is cutting out some features out of Windows OS and Office, so that people in
poor or developing countries can use Office for just $4 (Rs 180 around)...
But again, it gives the sliced software, not whole.. anyway, Microsoft
always do such tricks.
So, when Government will accept Linux, it will go beyond current current
Many countries have switched to Linux.

I have also read Mark Shuttleworth recent interview. He admitted that in
Enterprise, Linux can be deployed, but it lacks many central management
tools and deployement features, mainly GUI based, which is still to come.

Very true, I also found this. Linux is powerful and feature--rich in
command-Line, but when it comes to GUI, it lacks many thing. Even the GNOME
has not been much mature as WIndws Graphicals and OSX are. Not even KDE (KDE
is blotted with many options and tools, but it has been stated as much
developed and advance GUI, uhh, maybe due to QT, and good team behind it). I
personally like GNOME (dont know why, just matter of taste).

Anyway, my point was, that if we can do somethng for current developement,
along with Indic related issues. I am no good programmer, not a great
artist, but i am a good visualizer, and I always prefer to work in group.
Maybe, you are among the best programmers, so we can unite to do something
One man can make a good software, but a team makes better than that. What do
you say.
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