On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 8:17 PM, Gora Mohanty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:07:03 +0530
>  Parthan SR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Hash: SHA1
>  >
>  > phoenix24 wrote:
>  > > To find out more about Twitter, visit the link below:
>  > >
>  > > http://twitter.com/i/d32cf65c9e7fbd1f1f5679052d16d086b34baf8
>  > we request you to be careful when adding people to social networking
>  > sites. Sending such invites to a public, technical mailing list is
>  > considered bad net-etiquette. Please forbid from doing so in future.
>  [...]
>  Ah, just dashed off a reply with regards to this.
>  However, I am much more of a hard-liner with respect to such nonsense.
>  While I can sympathise with a newbie who does this without realising
>  the implication, this sort of an attitude is actively encouraged by
>  so-called services like Twitter. So, my opinion is to fight fire
>  with fire. For the mailing lists that I administer, one such message,

 And I thought you fight fire with water of any other fire extinguisher.
 On a serious note this kind of angry young man attitude on public
list only piss off newbies and genuine users.
 Banning people from mailing list for on such offense is like
murdering someone because they had collided with you under nearly zero
visibility. I think mailing lists are public forum and demand some
tolerance. Having school master like dictatorial style of
administration will only result in reduced traffic.
 As suggested by Aanjan, it is better to put the person on moderated
list and watch him. Also, it is better to write to the OP (a personal
email) warning him not to give away email address like this.

 Which ever mailing list admin (and I am talking in general sense and
not specific to this mailing list) has a problem with such spam mail,
please take it forward with the specific website, instead of banning
ill-informed user. Be it a campaign, consortium, foundation whatever
you feel is appropriate to exert pressure on such websites, please do
it, we will support you in the initiative. Taking out frustration on
the mailing list user is a clear sign othat the admin is incapable of
doing his job.

The hidden harmony is better than the obvious!!

ubuntu-in mailing list

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