On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 7:35 AM, Baishampayan Ghose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vivek,
>  >   As per IRC discussion today. I have a spare account (read sparingly
>  >  used) with webfaciton.com , which can be used. They provide all the
>  >  services that we need. (including svn and mailing list, but I guess we
>  >  are not moving it right now). I can host all the services of ubuntu-in
>  >  with the above mentioned account.
>  >   We also had a discussion regarding generating revenue with ads. I
>  >  have no objection with ubuntu-in generating revenue. Ubuntu-in can
>  >  generate revenue and continue hosting as long as you guys want to (if
>  >  need be, I will sponsor a separate account).
>  >   We can shift the hosting immediately, if the proposal is acceptable.
>  >   As for DNS problem, I will recommend that we create an account with
>  >  answerable.com . So, our effective expenditure will be about $15 per
>  >  year for domain fee plus managed DNS.
>  >   What you guys have to say.
>  I don't think we need managed DNS. Something like EveryDNS.net or
>  XNAME.org should be perfectly acceptable. Wrt your hosting, is it a
>  VPS with root access? Does it run Ubuntu?

 No root access but a chrooted jail. But i can do pretty much
everything, like creating process that listen to custom port (need to
create a ticket with the host though as they need to know what is
being run). But one question, why do you need root access for ?
 The base server is running Centos 5.

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