I do not have much idea of Window exe files.
But once I have used Fedora Live USB creator ( exe) for Windows. When
I clicked that exe it brings a GUI for crating live usb. For using it,
I need not to install it.

In nutshell I have observed that in Windows we can run software as one
exe which do not need installation. (It is also like ./a.out with all
lib statically linked)

Now think for a imaginary exe file which is a modification of
Virtualbox or Qemu or any other such technology. Consider this exe has
a live image of ubuntu inside it. As a result, when someone click on
this exe file, this will bring a full screen window which will boot a
live ubuntu with all softwares(in next 30 seconds).

If we can make such one click Ubuntu.exe files (4GB will be good
size), It will be possible to many windows users to make a instant
trial. This will bring down the barrier of "installing GNU/Linux".

I think such projects will be a great use for conversion process and
try. As I do not have much knowledge on Vbox and windows, I can just
share the idea.

Comments ??
│    Narendra Sisodiya ( नरेन्द्र सिसोदिया )
│    Web : http://narendra.techfandu.org
│    Twitter : http://tinyurl.com/dz7e4a

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