On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Ashutosh Rishi Ranjan
<ashutoshrish...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://www.workswithu.com/2009/11/18/who-deserves-free-ubuntu-cds-more/

reading the original blog reveals some interesting facets

see: http://blog.canonical.com/?p=264

Points from there are:

"We will continue to supply CDs to LoCo teams and Ubuntu members.  And
we hope to make CDs available to everyone who is just discovering
Ubuntu.  "

"* becoming an Ubuntu member by contributing to Ubuntu, and thereby
becoming eligible for more CDs "

So all is not lost - the shiptit may not reach individual users but
Loco Teams and Ubuntu members can get them and pass them around.

But i think thats not the most important issue.

What is important is what is the Ubuntu Trend - i think we are
beginning to see the change in their priorities

First the CD's  themselves ((as they are now)) are pretty much useless
unless there are a few hundred 100 mb worth of additional software
installed. (this is for the slightly experienced user) the newbies
take time to catch up and a newbie with a fat broadband connection
probably does not even realise. .

Added to this is the fact that Ubuntu is now quite bloated. Do any of
you remember the early ubuntu which packed the OS plus software and
over and above that also had opencd that ran from windows (it had a
selection of 8 or 9 software) which popped up when Ubuntu was inserted
into a windows session.

Second the cd's are no longer as useful as they were when Ubuntu
needed the fillip to enter into a battling linux desktop market. This
they have achieved and now they have enough of a fan following who
they are sure will continue to download, use and promote Ubuntu.

Third : Business : why,  I am wondering maybe there is enough business
for Canonical that new users are not so important (as in the second
point) and they can now focus on providing services - to the likes of
Google et al.

Some positives though are
1. Its been know that a whole of CD's have got wasted by been given
out as freebies and jst lying around because they are free - making
them harder to get will mean some effort and more appreciation for the

2. Reduced CD wastage will surely do its bit for the environment -
apart from the cost of the paper required to pack it and the printing.


This is a comment from the posted from the workwithu  website
#  Andrew Oakley Says:
November 20th, 2009 at 7:10 am

"The idea that a ShipIt CD will solve the problems of someone on
reduced bandwidth is rather silly; within a month or two after launch,
each distro needs 100MB+ of updates anyway. Most Linux distros,
including Ubuntu, are designed with the assumption that they will be
connected to broadband. And in the vast majority of cases, they’re

So in effect the default CD is no longer worth passing around. Its
better we talk about how we can make sure people get their hands on a
fully featured / software loaded distro - a deriviative or a
customized cd.


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