On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 21:31 +0530, Maitraya Bhattacharyya wrote:
> Our main concerns with every logo on the poll is the chakra. When your
> logo is too small, you cannot really make out if its a chakra. Any
> suggestions for any alternative symbol?
How about if we run this as a logo-contest of sorts?  A logo to capture
the spirit of India.
[ but without actual prizes, well maybe the prize is chance to create a
logo, or someone can come up with a small prize too ;) ]

We could send out mails to friends in art institutions and ask them
spread the word and to come up with a logo for the team. Or Maybe a
chain e-mail ? ;p

This would serve as a way to promote and spread Ubuntu... 
If this works we could mention this for the India LoCo approval as

We should first have a brief as to where are all the places we intend to
use the logo..


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