On 03/20/2011 08:45 PM, Stereotactic wrote:
Oh, very informative! Thats why Ubuntu developers are not very keen with
the idea of anything that "improves" Ubuntu. One more thing. If you look
closely, their only argument against Ubuntu Tweak is "lack of security".
So be it. People more knowledgeable than me are better placed than me to
comment on the same.

Not on "lack of security" but "posing a security" risk. As Scott
Kitterman mentions that it adds a bunch of"third-party untrusted repos".
This is a bad move to have a package in official repo which adds
untrusted repos.

It is not that Ubutnu devs don't want to improve Ubuntu, but there
needs a line to be drawn. Ubuntu Tweak exposes a few features which
should be *mostly* hidden from non-technical users. If something
goes wrong, then they wont be able to guess what actually happened.


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