On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Linux Lingam <linuxlin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks for the advice.
> makes sense. by then though, the distro-vesion will be new,
> but my laptop older. :-)
> so how about if i move up one version for the moment,
> and then go for 12.04LTS later?
> which one would you recommend, 11.04 or 11.10?

 10.04 is more stable than 11.04 for sure, unless you want to
uninstall unity and install gnome desktop by hand. Also, 10.04 to
12.04 will be one version upgrade as 12.04 will be the next LTS after
10.04 and ubuntu supports LTS to LTS upgrade.


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