
I use Debian Testing (in Mint LMDE avatar) as my main OS and as i currently
have a very slow connection, I would appreciate help on this issue. I use
debdelta to update/upgrade and normally do this using apt-get from the
command line. Now while debdelta is very usefull and reduces the download
size significantly, it somehow can't get around the absence of quite a few
locale filess that I removed using localepurge. Also I am unaware of how I
can create a download list like I can when using synaptic (so that i can use
another computer to download the packages) that does not include the
packages already created by debdelta.
So please help me with 2 things:

1. How to use debdelta and avoid having packages not created because of
missing locale files. Is there a work around or is it an either (debdelta)
or (localepurge) case?

2. How to create a package download script from the command line (apt-get)
that won't include the packages already existing/created using debdelta? I
think synaptic includes those already present? Correct me if I am wrong.


Narendra Diwate
ubuntu-in mailing list

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