On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 12:32:35 -0500 "Benj. Mako Hill" <m...@atdot.cc> wrote:
><quote who="Scott Kitterman" date="Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 11:21:54AM -0500">
>> One of the roles of the community is to understand and (if needed)
>> critique the actions of our leadership.  This entire thread started off
>> because of an incorrect statement that the memberships had been extended
>> based on the decision of one person.
>In fairness, this isn't completely true. The thread in quesiton said,
>"the CC, DMB, Søren, and Michael talked about this and agreed to a 3
>month extension of their terms on the MOTU Council."

Yes, although more than one person got confused about this initially.

>There was a misunderstanding. I think Mark's point is, "assume good
>faith" before jumping to the conclusion that there's something nefarious
>going on. I think we can all commit to doing that.

Certainly.  I don't think I accused anyone of anything nefarious and if I did, 
I apologize.  My intent was just to review the record so I could understand 
what had gone on.

Scott K

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