On 10/01/2013 03:45, Oliver Sauder wrote:
> I am an upstream developer of Diodon (<https://launchpad.net/diodon>) a
> clipboard manager for the Gnome/Unity desktop. Diodon has been around
> for more than two years by now and new versions have been released
> regularly.
> As Diodon is integrated into the Unity desktop with a Lens and an
> Indicator it is not possible to create a Debian package for it.
> Therefore have I created a Ubuntu package and would like to ask for
> inclusion in the universe repository for Raring.
> You can find the needs packaging bug here
> <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/808464> with more details as well.
> Would there be anyone interested in mentoring/sponsoring this new
> package? Any comments about the package are really appreciated.

I'm interested, having used Diodon for the past few cycles already. I'll look
over it this weekend if nobody else beats me to it.

Kind regards,
Loong Jin

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