Blueprint changed by Robie Basak:

Whiteboard changed:
   ****WE NEED HARDWARE!!!!!!****
   *  IPMI
   ipmi tool / openipmi - do we need support for both?
    * Yes, but in terms of priority, OpenIPMI is higher
  [jason-hobbs 11/11/03 - What is driving OpenIPMI being a higher priority? Is 
there some demand from some end users or other applications for OpenIPMI over 
ipmitool? From a quick look, cobbler and nagios support ipmitool, but I'm not 
sure they support OpenIPMI's ipmicmd.  Maybe OpenIPMI here is referring to the 
kernel driver that gives access to a local BMC?]
   No DMI - Intel only for PCI - not available on ARM?
  DMI consumers:
    Landscape - serial number
    libvirt requires DMI
    Any others?
  DMI emulation will be out of scope for Precise.
  IPMI consumers:
   Cluster stack / STONITH
    Any others?
- Work Items:
- 1. Test OpenIPMI on ARM, including Orchestra and Cobbler which are IPMI 
consumers. Also consider Nagios. FreeIPMI, ipmitool
- 2. Equivalent of DMI for ARM (for serial number etc)
- 3. Upstart job for running serial login on correct serial port ttyS0 + ttyAMA 
(linaro builds have auto serial console)
-   *
- 4. Calxeda to verify that OpenIPMI works on current hardware so this can be 
verified as early as possible in this cycle.
+  * Upstart job for running serial login on correct serial port ttyS0 + ttyAMA 
(linaro builds have auto serial console)
+    *
+  * Calxeda to verify that OpenIPMI works on current hardware so this can be 
verified as early as possible in this cycle.
  All of this is dependent on hardware.
+ Work Items:
+ Conclude OpenIPMI vs. ipmitool or alternatives decision: TODO
+ Investigate serial number DMI alternative mechanism on ARM: TODO
+ Upstart job for running serial login on correct serial port: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer Landscape: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer libvirt: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer monit: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer Facter: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer snmpd: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer lshw: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer orchestra: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer cobbler: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer nagios: TODO
+ Investigate DMI/IPMI consumer Cluster stack / STONITH: TODO

Server System Mangement for ARM

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