On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Michael Zoet <michael.z...@zoet.de> wrote:
> Am Fr, 4.02.2011, 09:11 schrieb Tapas Mishra:
>> I executed aptitude safe-upgrade on 10.04 64 bit server here are the
>> dependency problems I met
>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/562399/
>> Let me know if some one can point out what should I be checking.
> You should check why the dbus packages makes problems. The simples would
> be doing a launchpad bug search and see if other have (or had) the same
> problem. Most of the time there is a solution posted.
> Michael
> P.S.: you have always the option to install a package with "dpkg -i ..."
> and using various force options. But as always you should know what you
> are doing.
I did aptitutde safe-upgrade and that is where all these things
started happening.
I am not clear with what should I search.

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