
After struggling for months to get my HP DVD/CD ROM to work in Ubuntu
Studio, I decided I would ask the developers if they want me to run any
tests so they can make it work in future releases. This way I might get to
contribute something back to the project as well as get my own system
working again.

 This HD DVD Writer 840d worked flawlessly before upgrading from 8.04 to
9.10. It worked fine to run the upgrade from within 8.04, and it worked fine
to do a clean 10.04 install.  There is no problem booting from it, but it
becomes undetectable when I boot from the hard drive. I have also tested the
optical drive while running generic Ubuntu 9.10 from a flash drive, and it
seemed to work, though I didn't try burning any media. Since it ran with
generic Ubuntu, I thought it might be an Ubuntu Studio-specific problem, and
perhaps the developers should know about it.  I did file a bug report in
Launchpad against 9.10, but it didn't go anywhere; I also noticed a similar
bug report and forum post for earlier versions, also unresolved.  This may
be a persistent problem in post-Hardy Ubuntu Studio.  Please let me know if
there are any tests you want me to run.  If not, I'll shop around for a new
drive and/or distro, but I would _really_ like to see Ubuntu Studio work out
of the box with common IDE optical drives, and hope I can help you make that
happen.  If this is happening to a lot of users with similar hardware, I
fear it could negatively impact the adoption of Ubuntu Studio.

Please let me know what other hardware information you need, and how to find
it.  I'll probably have to run some reports, since I no longer have paper

If there is a more appropriate venue for this issue, please say so.  I tried
Launchpad, Ubuntu-studio-users-list, linux-audio-users-list, and Ubuntu
forums so far, without much success.


Paul DeShaw
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