On 2015-05-20 10:21, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Wed, 20 May 2015 09:40:20 +0200, Set Hallstrom wrote:
>> beginner
> Don't confuse a "beginner" with " an "intellectually disabled person".
> Btw. the pictograms of the apps already give much more information,
> then written text could give. If you are a beginner, then there will be
> a learning curve. Functionality is functionality and didactics are
> didactics, don't mix it. A menu has to be functional.

I hear you Ralf. I am all in for pulling users up rather than leveling
the interface down. But in this case, a description in the separator
isn't very far from the current way things are displayed by workflows,
except it provides an easier mouse navigation.

Set Hallstrom
AKA Sakrecoer

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