On Mon, 7 Sep 2015, ttoine wrote:

      One should not have to be an engineer or coder to use Linux
      multimedia. (I think that means we all agree :)  )

-> yes !!! 

So... Can we create a new website to gather a community of non
engineer/coder users ?

As I am one of those "leave comments here -> []" kind of people. (that is PR is not something I understand) I would not know how to start. I would think a reasonable large banner on any of our web sites that asks for comments could do that. The thing to be aware is that people will ask for impossible features... with either mac/win does this or with stuff nothing does right now or may nothing ever will do.

Having someone who can answer these politely and translate these thoughts to modifications for Studio would be required. The thing also is the person(s) answering these ideas needs to have some intuition which of these people would be helpful for refining their ideas to a final actual solution.

It is also good to remember that those who do know a little about coding are working (very) part time and helping useful idea people stay around when things are not moving fast enough to keep their interest :) is a talent too.

All this to say, how do we do that?

Len Ovens
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